
Cobb Schools Earns EVERFI's "Champion District" Seal

Champion District Seal 2020

EVERFI has recognized the Cobb County School District as a "Champion District" for 2020. The Champion Seal is an annual award given by the company, and Cobb Schools is proud to be one of the top 5% of school districts in the country to have received this distinction. 

According to EVERFI's website, the Champion Seal is a "designation awarded to K-12 school districts and individual schools that have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to whole-child education through the use of EVERFI's comprehensive, evidence-informed digital programs." 

EVERFI is a digital education organization focused on helping educators address the most challenging issues affecting society, including financial literacy, social-emotional learning, health and wellness, inclusion, and college and career readiness. The Champion Seal acknowledges Cobb Schools' dedication to transformational change in the interest of equity and the well-being of all students. 

Cobb Schools is honored to be one of fewer than five percent of districts across the nation to earn this designation. Cobb educators remain dedicated to teaching the whole child because of the impact it makes on students during their time in school and contributes to their well-being and success long after their K-12 years. 

"We often say that Cobb is the best place to teach, lead, and learn," said Cobb Board of Education Chairman Brad Wheeler. "We sincerely appreciate this recognition from EVERFI because it confirms that we are moving in the right direction and putting the education of our students first and foremost." 

Click here to learn more about the EVERFI Champion Seal.