
Psychological Services


Psychological Services - Evaluate. Facilitate. Advocate.

Jameika Rice, Ed.S.


Karyn Bartel


Calling All Stakeholders and Parents of Preschool Aged Children 

Please click on link below to view the narrated pre-recorded, 3-part information sessions highlighting developmental milestones, early intervention, and at-home supports.

Milestones Sessions Videos

Click Here for more information and Milestones Session Handouts 


Frequently Asked Questions 

What do I need to do to get help for my child?

If your child is having problems in reading, math, writing or behavior, your primary contact is your child’s teacher. The teacher will work with a collaborative team on the RTI (Response to Intervention) process. The team will provide teachers with resources and support to develop and put into action interventions according to your child’s needs.

How is my child referred for a psychoeducational evaluation?

Every school in the district provides interventions and monitors student progress through Response to Intervention (RTI) using a pyramid model of more intensive intervention if adequate progress is not made. Progress is monitored to determine how your child is responding to the intervention. After a minimum of 12 weeks of intervention and monitoring, if adequate progress is not evident and the team suspects your child may have a disability, the team may make a referral to special education. At that time, if a psychoeducational evaluation is required, parental consent for evaluation will be obtained.

What is the purpose of a psychoeducational evaluation?

The purpose of psychoeducational evaluation is to assess a student’s strengths and weaknesses as part of the process of determining eligibility for special education services.

What is used to evaluate my child?

A variety of assessment instruments will be utilized by the school psychologist in evaluating your child in order to determine if or what kind of disability your child has. The areas measured may include: intellectual, cognitive processing, achievement, motor, social-emotional, and adaptive.

What happens to the results after the evaluation is completed?

After your child’s evaluation is completed, you will meet with a team at the school to review the results to determine whether your child has a disability and, if so, what changes need to be made to your child’s educational program. If your child is found eligible for special education, you will be asked to sign a consent form for placement, then an Individual Educational Plan will be developed and offered.  

The report will become part of your child’s educational record maintained by the district. You will receive a copy of your child’s evaluation results.

How long does the evaluation process take?

For an initial evaluation the evaluation process should take no more than 60 calendar days with the exclusion of some vacation breaks and holidays.






Cobb Schools Elementary School Psychologists

Cobb Schools Middle School Psychologists

Cobb Schools High School Psychologists