Personalized Learning - Targeted Support
Dr. Cheryl CrooksSupervisor, Personalized Learning-Targeted Support | Ellen ZarachSecretaryP: 770-426-3552 F: 770-594-8581 |
Targeted Support
The Cobb County School district offers targeted support from the Personalized Learning department with a goal to increase academic achievement and student engagement by providing training and support for principal and teacher leaders. A focus on best practices for effective instruction and the development of programs and initiatives at local schools is a priority to providing increased personalized learning opportunities for Cobb students.
Cobb High School Summer Credit Recovery Program
Cobb High School Accredited Academies
A team of established high school academy coordinators and district leaders have collaboratively worked together the past two years to develop the criteria and steps for Cobb High School Accredited Academies. The criteria are measured by “Four Essential Elements” that are universal to all types of academies: (STEM, STEAM, World Languages, Healthcare, Culinary, Computer Science, global Government, Entrepreneurship, CTAE, etc…).