Winter "Snow" Ball Dance Information
The LEAD Council and PTSA are sponsoring the Winter Ball for 7th and 8th-grade students on Friday, January 31st, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Parents will be responsible for picking up students PROMPTLY at 9:00 p.m. in the school BUS LANES.
Students must have a signed PERMISSION SLIP from a parent/guardian to attend the dance. Families can visit MyPaymentsPlus to provide permission and also to make a payment for the ticket price. Signed hard copies of this permission form may also be returned to school with cash or a check for the ticket price (checks should be made payable to “Awtrey Middle School”). ALL students attending must be Awtrey students, and all students must be dressed appropriately and make good choices to remain at the dance. (Please see permission slip for clothing expectations.)
Tickets will be sold beginning Friday, January 10th through Friday, January 31st. The discounted cost is $15.00 for tickets sold between Friday, January 10th and Friday, January 24th. Tickets purchased between January 25th and January 30th will cost $25.00. Tickets sold up to noon the day of the dance will cost $35.00. No tickets will be sold at the door or without a signed permission slip, and no refunds for ticket sales can be expected.
The dance will feature appetizers, desserts, drinks, DJ playing great music, crowning of the 8th Grade Winter Ball King & Queen & 7th Grade Prince & Princess, photo booth, Snow Ball themed décor and more!
Please see the permission slip linked below for more information.