
Dress Code Updates

Dress Code

Students are required to meet the expectations within the Cobb County Board of Education (JCDB-R) Student Dress Code Policy and the school expectations below. All students of the Cobb County School District are encouraged to observe a standard of grooming and dress consistent with the level of formality of the school setting. 


1. All students of the Cobb County School District shall be required to maintain the level of personal hygiene necessary to ensure a healthy school environment and to refrain from any mode of dress which proves to contribute to any disruption of school functions. 


2. Administrators and teachers shall enforce the dress code rule, and the principal or his designee shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness, neatness and cleanliness of the apparel, or whether apparel is disruptive, distractive or in violation of the dress code. 


3. All students shall maintain an acceptable standard of dress. The minimum standard of dress for students shall be as follows: 


a. Shoes shall be worn. Slippers may not be worn. 

b. The stomach/abdomen area shall be covered (bottom hems of shirts/tops must meet the tops of the pants/bottoms). 

c. All pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the waist. 

d. No spaghetti straps, strapless tops, or revealing tops. 

e. Shorts and skirts will be kept to the mid-thigh.

f. Pants, shorts, or other similar clothing items must not have holes above the mid-thigh area that exposes a student’s skin.  

g. Pajama pants may not be worn. 

h. Caps, hats, bandanas, hoods, and other head gear are not to be worn in the school building during the school day unless there is a special activity during which they are deemed appropriate by the school administration.

i. Clothing or ornamentation displaying or advertising substances illegal for minors is prohibited. Suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities are also prohibited. 

j. Clothing or ornamentation advocating, promoting, or suggesting illegal activity is also prohibited. 


4. Proper dress is an important component for sustaining the formality of the school setting, and we solicit and appreciate your support and cooperation. Parents or students who have specific questions about garments’ appropriateness should consult the local school administration before students wear the garments to school. Students who are improperly dressed will NOT be allowed to attend class, and assignment to ISS (In-School Suspension) will be the alternate learning environment. Violators of the dress code will be placed in isolation until proper clothing is obtained or for the remainder of the school day.