
Kindergarten Transition Tour

crayons with tour date and time

The School bell has rung, and it is time for all incoming kindergarten to join us for a tour. At the end of our tour we say , "see you later ", and give kids a welcome gift.

In Person event for parents/guardians and incoming kindergarten students.

Date: 05/02/2024 

Time: 09:00 - 10:30 a.m.  

Location: 407 Barber Rd, Marietta, GA 30060 (Fair Oaks Elementary)


  • Welcome
  • Introduction-Principal Cathie Seibert,
  • Visit Classroom - Kindergarten.
  • Visit Media Center / School Library.
  • Visit Gym.
  • New Parent orientation presentation.
  • Breakfast provided for students (only) to familiarize themselves with the routine.
  • End of Tour - Questions and answers.

All incoming students must be accompanied by an adult. No drop off permitted.

If you have any questions, please call our school 678-594-8080

Bilingual Parent Facilitators: Cynthia Cruz Llamas and Dinna Ortiz de Gracia.

Enrollment Clerk: Liliana Sanjurjo