
Writing Fair Winners

pencil writing on paper with three gold stars

We are proud to announce the winners of the Garrett Middle School Writing Fair! This event showcases the incredible talent of our students and their passion for writing.

6th Grade Winners: 
 1st Place: Khloe Hyatt 
 2nd Place: Rhiya Woodard 
 3rd Place: Lelia Stokes

7th Grade Winners: 
 1st Place: Luisa Cruz Perez 
 2nd Place: Jordyn Jackson 
 3rd Place: Cameron Smith

8th Grade Winners: 
 1st Place: Garrin Gates 
 2nd Place: Destiny Hutchinson 
 3rd Place: Amaria Black

Honorable mentions were awarded to many other talented participants. We celebrate the hard work and creativity of all students involved. The first-place winners will represent Garrett at the Cobb County Writing Fair. Congratulations to all!