


Kell High School Pupil Personnel Office (PPO)

Debbie Winn- PPO Clerk

Phone: (678) 494-7844 ext. 032 email: Deborah.Winn@cobbk12.org


Students are subject to compulsory school attendance and the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law. Each teacher is responsible for maintaining the attendance of each student enrolled in each class/LASSO taught. Each teacher is also responsible for establishing the conditions for making up the instruction missed during an EXCUSED ABSENCE.

PPO (Pupil Personnel Office) or the Attendance Office is located on the left in the entrance hall of the main building. Attendance related matters are handled in this office. Students MUST present a pass from a teacher or administrator to enter the Attendance office. A parent should notify the Attendance Office when her/his child will be absent from school for any extended period of time. Cobb County School Board policy JBD requires that parents furnish the school with a doctor's statement verifying an illness for each absence after six (6) or more school days have been missed. When appropriate, students will be referred for special attention and possible subsequent referral to juvenile court.

Emergency Numbers

Parents/guardians should list emergency telephone numbers for relatives or neighbors on the emergency information card for student release in case of an emergency, and the parent/guardian cannot be reached by telephone. Students cannot be released to anyone who is NOT listed on the emergency card.

Absence Notes

Excused Absences: It is the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to notify the school in writing of the reason(s) for a student's absence(s). This written statement from his/her parents/guardians or medical doctor must include the date(s) and reason(s) for absence(s), parent's phone numbers (work and/or home), and the parent/guardian's signature. This statement should be presented to the attendance office within three days of the absence. If a note is not brought in within three (3) days or the reason for the absence is personal or unexcused the absence will be coded "unexcused". In accordance with the State Compulsory Attendance Law, the following reasons may temporarily excuse students from an absence or tardy.

  • When personally ill and when attendance in school would endanger their health and the health of others
  • When in their immediate family there is a serious illness or death which would reasonably necessitate absence from school
  • On special and recognized religious holidays observed by their faith
  • When mandated by governmental agencies (examples: pre-induction physical examination for service in the armed forces or a court order, etc.; official documentation may be required)
  • Students may be excused from school attendance when prevented from such attendance due to conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to their health or safety.
  • Students serving as a Page in the Georgia General Assembly G. To register to vote or to vote in a public election

Students with an excused absence are responsible for make-up work in accordance with the school's make-up policy. A student is charged with an unexcused absence if he/she is absent from all or a significant part of a day without a valid excuse (See above.) THE PRINCIPAL OR HIS DESIGNEE IS AUTHORIZED TO REQUIRE VERIFICATION OF STATEMENTS EXPLAINING A STUDENT'S ABSENCE FROM CLASS OR SCHOOL. WHEN PROBABLE CAUSE EXISTS FOR QUESTIONING THE VALIDITY OF A STUDENT'S STATEMENT. A MEDICAL AUTHORITY’S NOTE MAY BE REQUIRED.

Unexcused Absences

Such reasons as "out-of-town, personal business, vacation, sick friend, car trouble, and power outage" do NOT constitute excused absences from school. Religious activities such as camps, retreats, and workshops, when not part of recognized religious observances, also DO NOT qualify for excused absences or tardies.

Tardies to School

Any student entering the school after 8:20 A.M., the start of the first period, is TARDY to school. **Those students should report immediately to the PPO office to be signed in for the day. The school will not accept notes after three (3) days. Telephone numbers where a parent can be reached at the time of sign-in MUST be on the note as well as a parent/guardian signature. If the note cannot be verified, the tardy will be marked UNEXCUSED.

Tardies to Class

Excessive tardies to class will result in a referral to administration.

Discipline Action for Tardies

  • 5th unexcused tardy = 1 Administrative Detention
  • 10th unexcused tardy = 1 day ISS/ Loss of parking privileges for 2 weeks/ Behavior Contract
  • 13th unexcused tardy = 2 days ISS / Loss of parking privileges for the rest of the semester
  • 16th unexcused tardy = 3 days ISS
  • 20th unexcused tardy = 3 days OSS (insubordination)

*Tardies will reset every semester*

Late Bus Arrivals

Students who arrive on a late bus should go straight to class.

Checking out of School Before 3:30 PM

All Cobb County Schools have closed campuses to ensure the safety of students. Students may not leave campus for lunch. Early checkout from school is discouraged. Students and parents should try to arrange medical and other appointments outside school hours. A parent, guardian, or administrator MUST grant permission to check out in EVERY case. Under non-emergency circumstances, the student should take a note to the Attendance Office BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. The request should include the following:

  1. The student's first and last name
  2. The student's advisement number
  3. The dismissal time and date
  4. The reason for the early dismissal
  5. A telephone number where the parent can be reached during the school day to verify the check-out request
  6. The parent/guardian's name and signature Attendance personnel will verify the note and give the student a pass to return to the ATTENDANCE OFFICE to sign out at the time of the early dismissal. Anyone who checks out a student must bring a picture ID.

If a student becomes ill during the school day, the student should get a pass from his/her classroom teacher to report to the nurse/clinic. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the student may NOT leave. If the student leaves after being informed that her/his early dismissal cannot be verified, the departure will be treated as a class cut, and disciplinary action will be taken. If the student whose parents cannot be reached is so ill that emergency medical attention is required, an ambulance will be called at the parents' expense, and the student will be transported to the nearest emergency room or suitable medical facility. Including several emergency names/phone numbers on the school records is extremely important. Please remember to update school records if your phone number(s) changes.

Certificates of Enrollment for Prospective Drivers

As required by the Department of Public Safety for the State of Georgia, students between the ages of 15 and 17 must present a notarized Certificate of Enrollment when applying for a driving permit and driver's license. Certificates are available in the Front Office. Students who submit the request by Tuesday afternoon will be able to pick up their certificates on Thursday. Students who submit the request by Thursday afternoon will be able to pick up their certificates on the following Tuesday. Cobb County Schools collect a $2.00 notary fee for each certificate. Students can apply for certificates before or after school in the front office. During school holidays, (winter & spring break) please plan ahead and make sure you give the ATTENDANCE OFFICE ample time to process your certificate. No one is available to process these over breaks. If a student plans ahead and obtains the certificate of attendance the last week of school, the Department of Motor Vehicles will honor it all summer.

Attendance/Driver's License

The Department of Driver Services (DDS) will not issue an instruction permit or driver’s license to a person who is younger than 18 years of age unless that individual is enrolled in and not under suspension form school. The State Department of Education will forward student enrollment, suspension, and expulsion information from the statewide student information system to DDS, which will issue licenses when its records indicate that applicants are enrolled in school and not under suspension or expulsion. DDS shall notify such minor of his or her ineligibility for an instruction permit or driver’s license at the time of such application. (O.C.G.A. § 40-5-22)