
Title I

Parents, Student Success, School Programs


Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the 'Every Student Succeeds Act' of 2015, provides funding to school districts to help ensure that all children, particularly those who are most academically at-risk, meet challenging state academic standards. Schools participating in the Title I program receive funds, based on the percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced-price school meals. Programs are designed to ensure high standards for all, increase quality instructional time, improve instruction through professional development, enhance family participation in the educational process and give schools the opportunity to provide additional educational resources, for the most at-risk students. 

School Improvement Plan 

Click Here

School Parent & Family Engagement Policy 

English Version

Spanish Version

District Family and Community Engagement Policy

English- CCSD FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Spanish- CCSD FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Portuguese- CCSD FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy

School-Family Compacts

English Version

Spanish Version

Title I Budget Snapshot


Title I Fall Input Survey

Click Here

Parent's Right to Know Qualifications of Teachers

Click Here

District Family Information Guide

Click Here

School Choice Transfers

Click Here

Georgia School Grades Report- Governor's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA)

Click Here

District Title I Office 

Click Here

Pebblebrook Parent Resource Room

PF room.jpg

Our Parent Resource Room is now OPEN!  Please contact the Parent Facilitator if you need access to computer technology, printer, or advice on parenting resources.  You can also access our 24-hour ‘Virtual Parent Resource Room’, for instructions on how to navigate Parentvue and CTLS Parent (Click Here).


Title I, Parent Facilitator

Charlene Holder

770.819.2521 Ext. 072

Hours of Operation:  Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Title I Parent Facilitator for Pebblebrook High School's office is located in the main building in the Parent Resource Room.  The purpose of this position is to assist in the building of capacity for parental involvement and engagement at Pebblebrook.  Parental involvement is defined as “the participation of parents in school activities and events.  Parental engagement is defined as a 2-way partnership between falcon families and Pebblebrook. Parents are asked to do the following to positively impact their engagement & involvement at Pebblebrook: 

  • Assist in their child’s learning by daily monitoring Parentvue & CTLS Parent;
  • Serve as full partners with teachers & staff in their child’s education;
  • Be present and included in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; and 
  • Assist in the evaluation of parent involvement & engagement programs at Pebblebrook High School. 

The Title I Parent Facilitator's number one priority is to assist parents & guardians in the following areas: 

  • Facilitate Parent Workshops. 
  • Assist with ParentVUE username and password trouble shooting. 
  • Assist in facilitating open dialogue and communication between parents and teachers via the CTLS Parent App.
  • Assist with scheduling parent-teacher conferences (as needed). 

Example Programs Made Possible through Title I at Pebblebrook High School

  • Parent Liaison
  • Parent Resource Center
  • Academic Coaches
  • Professional Development
  • Instructional Resources
  • Summer Extension Program
  • In-School Remediation/tutoring