
Wheeler Swimmer Displays True Sportsmanship

Wheeler swimming cover

At the recent state swimming meet held at Georgia Tech, a fire alarm disrupted the competition and sent everyone outside for an hour while the authorities worked to return everything to normal. Swimmers and spectators alike were forced to leave the building in haste and could only take what they had with them. For some, this meant heading outside in a wintry evening dripping wet and wearing only a swimsuit.

One such individual was a freshman swimmer from Chattahoochee High School named Quincy Maley. The alarm blast happened as Quincy was preparing for her event, and she was quickly rushed outside into the cold night air. As she stood outside shivering and waiting to be allowed back inside McAuley Aquatic Center, Wheeler swimmer Addison Marriott took notice and sprang into action.

Addison gave Quincy her sweatshirt to warm her against the cold and then handed over her phone, so she could call her mom. “Addison truly represents the definition of selflessness,” said Wendy Maley. “She had never met Quincy before, but I am so thankful that she was there and noticed my daughter was in distress. In the confusion of the evacuation, Addison was looking out for others and made sure Quincy was okay.”

Q1-2-1.jpgQuincy wearing Addison's sweatshirt

Q2-2.jpgProud mom Wendy Maley with daughters

Wheeler coach Cameron Ward was thrilled to hear the story but wasn't surprised. “These actions are very much in line with who she is,” Coach Ward said proudly. “Addie is a great swimmer, but more importantly, she's a great teammate and a great person.”

Wheeler principal Paul Gillihan, who has known her since she was in 6th grade, was also excited by the news of Addison’s gestures of goodwill. “Her selflessness truly embodies what we try to instill in all of our students at Wheeler, not just our athletes,” he said with a smile. “We strive to teach them to think about others and to find ways to make our world a better place—one act of kindness at a time.

“Quincy would never have asked for these items; Addison did this all on her own,” concluded grateful mom Wendy Maley. “If you ever find yourself outside at night in 28-degree weather, soaking wet in nothing but a swimsuit, you’ll be just fine if Addison Marriott is there, too.”

563A1C1D-CC4C-43A2-9811-B7CD9CC472A1-2.jpgAddie (right) with teammates

7798F311-2D51-4024-B8AA-2C80FC7A561A-2.jpgAddie (top right) and Wheeler teammates

Excellent job, Addie! Without thinking twice, you embodied true sportsmanship. You showed that competition is one thing, but taking care of each other is the bigger lesson. It's been said that it’s not about wins and losses, but how you play the game. Thank you for the reminder!