
Indian Hurdler and Warrior Golfer Win AOW Recognition


Cobb Schools' Athlete of the Week (AOW) program is a weekly recognition of a male and a female student-athlete that perform at high levels in their sport, in the classroom, and in their school communities. The program is made possible by support from BSN. 

This week's winners are a Cobb County Champion hurdler from McEachern and a winning golfer from North Cobb. 

Daniel James, McEachern, Track

At the recent Cobb County Championship, Daniel won the 110-meter (14.25) and the 300-meter (39.15) hurdles. He is ranked #1 in 7A for the 110. He also placed third at the prestigious Bob Hayes Invitational in Jacksonville, Florida last month. A strong two-sport athlete, Daniel is committed to the University of Cincinnati for football in 2024.

"Daniel provides leadership to the Track team by his core work ethic and ability to lead others," said Head Coach Philip Hoskins. "His performance on the track shows how determined he is to perform to the best of his ability and beyond. He consistently exhibits the five core values:  Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Sportsmanship, and Leadership. He encourages all athletes everyday in practice. Daniel is a true leader of our track team."

"He is Responsible, Respectful, and Resilient!" agreed McEachern Athletic Director Myra Camese. "Daniel is a great communicator with his teammates and his success puts him in a position of influence to motivate and guide his peers to achieve their own success. He has a positive impact in the student community by setting the example and motivating his peers. He has strong character and his passion for sports and competition is immeasurable."


Malia Everett, North Cobb, Golf

In late 2021, Malia was diagnosed with leukemia and had to sit out her sophomore year in 2022. She underwent radiation and lost 35 pounds. Now officially in remission, Malia is back on the links and leading the Warrior Girls Golf in scoring, picking up right where she left off in 2021 when she was named Freshman Golfer of the Year. She is also an excellent student (4.4 GPA) in the Magnet Program and participates on the Varsity Math and Academic Teams and plays first chair violin in Chamber Orchestra.

"Malia is an amazing leader and extremely dedicated," said her Golf Coach William Hargis. "She is such an altruistic individual. Everyone loves to play with her on the course and she brightens everyone’s day. Our team was not the same without her last year. All of the other players, including my talented freshman, look up to her."

"She is an incredible golfer and student, but an even better human being. She was recently invited to be an honorary guest speaker at the AFLAC Cancer and Blood Disorders Center. We are so lucky to have her back on the team and I look forward to all the great things she will do next year as a senior!" concluded Coach Hargis proudly about his Athlete of the Week.


Congratulations Daniel and Malia! You are both exceptional examples of what a student-athlete looks like. We know many more exciting things are still to come this year, and next, as you finish out your high school careers. Great job supporting these amazing students, McEachern and North Cobb!