
Week of September 15th

This week at Campbell

Spartan News   | Week of September 15, 2024

Important Dates

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) college admission, graduation, and Naviance- Tuesday, September 17 at 6:30 PM in the PAC. The information has been in the senior section. 

Fall Break- September 23-27

Campbell's Website
Campbell High School (cobbk12.org)

Principal's Message


Hello Spartan Families, 

We want to inform our parents that we have established deadline dates for students to turn in late work for each grading period. Friday, September 20, is the last day for students to turn in work that was due from August 1- September 13. These dates have been established to give teachers time to grade late work and to give students clear deadlines so that they don't get too far behind. 

We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable Fall Break!

The Student Behavior Contract Letter was shared with all parents/guardians at This is Sparta. All students received a copy on the first day of school and it was reviewed with students during the grade level assemblies. A copy of the letter is in the attachment below and will remain for the remainder of the school year. Please review the letter with your student. 

Please note that there is a change this year to the Early Checkout TimeThe Early Checkout Time has been changed to 2:45 PM

Counseling Corner

Students interested in Dual Enrollment MUST attend a Dual Enrollment Information Session. More details at our CHS Counseling website and students can register here for an information session.  Students must complete all required steps by Oct. 15th if they would like to take dual enrollment classes in the Spring.

Whether you’re planning on college, a technical school, or you’re just not sure yet, the ASVAB Career Exploration Program can provide you with important information about your skills, abilities and interests and help put you on the right course for a satisfying career. The ASVAB will be given at Campbell High School on Thursday, November 7th Scan the QR code or see your counselor to sign up! The deadline to sign up is November 1st.

In the meantime, we welcome feedback from our parents, family members and community to help us build meaningful programs for the students. Please click this link or scan the QR code to complete the short survey. https://forms.office.com/r/0Pc3NJNAbK





College and Career Center

Our College and Career Counselors, Ms. Young and Ms. Diaz-Brown have returned and have begun supporting students. Please share the College visit information  below with your student. 

Campbell's PTSA Corner

PTSA Corner
Spirit Days! Visit Burger Crush in Smyrna on Tuesday, September 17 and Smallcakes Smyrna on Saturday, September 21, mention Campbell HS PTSA, and a portion of your bill will be donated to CHS PTSA! Visit Campbell PTSA Calendar for details!

It's Reflections Time! Does your student like to draw, write, paint, dance, create music, take photos, or produce films? Students can enter the 2024-25 Reflections Art contest and win CASH PRIZES ($30 for the first place winner in each category!) Deadline for entries is in October. Visit the Reflections page for details. 

Support our CHS School Clinic - with over 3,000 CHS students, our School Nurse could use our support with supplies to help students. Fall Donation drive ends September 30. Click here to donate.

Campbell High School PTSA

Campbell NewsWe are proud to announce the Campbell seniors who have been named as National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists—Mara Hanlon, Roshni Patel, Dhruv Iyer, and Aiden Ekanayake. These students now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for a prestigious National Merit Scholarship. Congratulations to these four exemplary scholars!

We wanted to share a picture from the celebration on Friday for our new Music Tech class and the $50,000 support from the Give a Note Foundation and Huber Engineered Materials to purchase music equipment (some are pictured). Below are some of the students in the class, Mr. Wilson, the teacher (far right), and the CEO of the Give a Note Foundation, Dendy Jarrett (left of check) and Matt Reich (right of check) artist for the Foundation and Craig King (far left), a music producer. Superintendent Ragsdale and several district personnel were in attendance along with some media outlets. Several fine arts classes were also in attendance. Our band and cheerleaders also performed along with the Boykinz, a girl group produced by Craig King. 

Homecoming festivities are approaching in October. Flyers are below and there is an information sheet in the attachments. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn.Mccully@cobbk12.org

Power Surge (Tutoring) - flyer below
Students are encouraged to bring missing assignments or schedule to take make up assessments.  Content teachers will be available to assist. There is a flyer below with future dates and subjects. 
Please enter the school by the main office & remember to bring your laptop!
Email Dr. Eaton if you have any questions (lisa.eaton@cobbk12.org)

In preparation for the PSAT, Applerouth is kicking off the school year with a PSAT Pathways Program.

Free online prep for the PSAT sessions will be offered from September 21 - October 13.

Secure Your Spot at https://www.applerouth.com/psat-pathways.

PSAT Pathways program 

  • A 90-Minute Workshop: Expert guidance on Math, Reading, and Writing with test-taking strategies.
  • A Pressure-Free Practice Test: Practice exam to familiarize students with the test format.
  • A Detailed Score Report: Personalized roadmap, boosting students’ confidence as they prepare for the PSAT and beyond.

October 23, 2024, PSAT Administration – Information for SOPHOMORE Students

Wednesday, October 23rd, all Sophomore students will participate in the PSAT test administration. The State of Georgia pays the test fee for all Sophomore students. It is important students take the PSAT seriously as it provides good practice in preparation for future standardized tests as well as feedback on college readiness. Free personalized SAT test prep through KhanAcademy.org is availablePlease note: Sophomores DO NOT register or submit payment to participate in the October 23rd PSAT administration.

To accommodate the large number of testing participants, Campbell High School will implement a revised bell schedule. Specific testing information will be sent through CTLS Parent and posted to the school’s website.

October 23, 2024 PSAT Administration – Information for FRESHMAN and JUNIOR Students

Freshman and Junior students may choose to participate in the PSAT administration Wednesday, October 23rd. The testing fee is $14.00 for freshmen and $13 for juniors. Participation provides students with practice and exposure to standardized tests along with feedback on college readiness and free personalized SAT test prep through KhanAcademy.org. For interested Juniors, the PSAT also provides the opportunity for National Merit Scholarship eligibility. Students in the 9th and 11th grades who want to participate must submit payment using MyPaymentsPlus by Monday, September 16, 2024. The testing coordinator will register and test all students who have paid by the deadline.

October 23, 2024 MOCK ACT Administration – Information for FRESHMEN, JUNIORS, and SENIORS

Students who are not participating in the PSAT will take the Mock ACT. 

Campbell High School will implement a revised bell schedule the day of testing. All students are required to bring their county issued laptop.  Make sure it is charged. If you have any questions, please contact Jacinta.Bouknight@cobbk12.org, our PSAT Testing Coordinator. There is a flyer attached below. 

Interested in applying for the 2025 Governor's Honors Program for academic areas? Watch the announcements for the online application link beginning Tuesday, Sept. 17th or stop by Mr. Jones's room (3230) for more information. If you want to begin right now, here is the link to the application—all instructions and deadlines are on the app itself. 
Interviews will be held October 7-10 (see below). Students may apply for as many academic areas as they like—selections are based on both the written component and the in-person interview. The interviews are being held on the following days (locations and exact times are on the linked school application):

Monday, October 7: French (before school) and Spanish (after school)
Tuesday, October 8: Math (before school) and Science (after school)
Wednesday, October 9: Communicative Arts/ELA (after school)
Thursday, October 10: Social Studies (after school)

County-wide interviews for the selected students will be held at Campbell High School on November 7There are no rescheduled or make-up interviews available. 

Email Mr. Jones at thomas1.jones@cobbk12.org if you have any questions.

Campbell Advanced Placement Scholars- CAPS
Campbell students interested in being a part of the CAPS Program (Campbell AP Scholars) must complete an application and submit to Dr. Dorrough by the deadline listed within the application as it differs by grade level. Applications can be submitted to Dr. Dorrough in the cafeteria in the morning or during lunch, or to her office (3113). Any student not in the Campbell IB program can apply to the program to work towards meeting the CAPS criteria. Students that attended a CAPS meeting last year must also complete an application based on their current grade level (graduation year). Current freshmen (class of 2028) that submit an application will be reviewed at the end of Fall semester once their GPA has been established. CAPS Applications for the class of 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 can be found within the attachments. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough at Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org.

IB News

The IB Annual Fund is wrapping up - the last day is Tuesday, September 17th.
Thank you to all of our families who have participated through your donations! We look forward to seeing families at the IB Potluck, where we'll enjoy amazing food, celebrate our community, and give out raffle prices! There is still time - DONATE TODAY at Campbell High School IB Booster Club - 2024 IBBC Annual Fund (membershiptoolkit.com)

At a glance (check Remind and IBBC FB/IG for more details):  
IB Potluck: 9/17 - we look forward to seeing everyone who RSVP'd for this event on Tuesday evening. 
IB Insights: 9/19 - Submit questions herehttps://forms.office.com/r/vi4dWU03dw (Teams link will be sent via Remind on Thursday morning)
IB Annual Fund Campaign: see above

PSAT/NMSQT Registration - (see info above)
GHP - Please encourage your 10th & 11th graders to apply! (see info above)
AP Exams - students enrolled in a fall or year-long class with an AP exam, must register this semester. (see info above)
Rising 8th graders: Middle school visits have begun - magnet Applications open Oct. 1st https://www.cobbk12.org/page/38578/magnet-programs   
 to get

Senior News

Attention Senior Families!!


CAPS applications for Seniors, class of 2025, are due by October 4, 2024, at 3:30 pm to Dr. Dorrough. Please make sure to complete and submit your application by this deadline. The deadline for all other classes is later this semester. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org).

Your CHS counselors are partnering with a representative from the GA Student Finance Commission, to offer a night of information regarding the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), graduation requirements, college admissions, Naviance and more.  Please join us on September 17th at 6:30 PM in the Performing Arts Center. The flyer is attached below. 

Parents of Seniors are asked to please ask your student about the information that was shared with them by our counselors during their Senior Seminars. 

There is information below in the attachment from Cady Studios for our parents/guardians of Seniors.  


Friday, September 20 @ 7:30pm - Come travel with our Spartans to Harrison HS as they take on the Hoyas. Beach Vibes will be rolling!

Thursday - September 19 @ 6pm - Come out and support our JV Spartans as they take on the South Cobb Eagles at Home!

Pre-Purchase your Tickets and Parking @ GoFan.co

Let’s Go Spartans!!

Are you interested in trying out for the Campbell soccer teams in the spring? If so, there is an informational meeting on Thursday, October 3rd immediately after school in the Wills Gym. This meeting is MANDATORY for all BOYS and GIRLS interested in trying out. Please join the CHS Soccer information remind group by texting @chssccr25 to 81010 and fill out this online form ( https://forms.gle/NzbynB8tJsVmYgU57

Please help support our student-run coffee shop!  Students may purchase $10 or $20 coffee punch cards on MyPaymentsPlus or pay $2-$3 cash for various coffees. We are open from 7:45am-8:20am at the Wills Gym Concession. We look forward to serving you! 

Campbell High Theatre News
CHS Theatre is proud to present -- Frozen, Jr -- October 4-6. Disney’s worldwide phenomenon is taking the Campbell High School stage by (snow)storm! Bring the whole family for this fantastic show! Tickets are $7 for kids (age 3-17), $10 for adults. Tickets: https://gofan.co/app/school/GA4872_3 

Trunk or Treat- Campbell High School is hosting another year of Trunk or Treat for the community on October 30th! Details in the flyer below! We hope to see you there!