Campbell's PTSA Corner
Call for Volunteers and Donations! Thank you to everyone who has already donated or volunteered for our CHS Staff to Breakfast on Friday, January 24. We still have a few slots available. Please click here if you can help!: CHS PTSA Breakfast Sign Up Spring Volunteer Signup We have some great events lined up for our fantastic students and staff this Spring, and we would LOVE your help! Many opportunities require only 2-3 hours of your time in a month! Click here to indicate your areas of interest: CHS PTSA Spring 2025 Volunteer Interest Form
Student of the Month Gift Bags Do you have a local business that would like to support the Campbell HS Students of the Month? We are seeking $5 gift cards or other items to include in gift bags for these 30 exemplary students each month. Please reach out to us at if you can help!
Smallcakes Spirit Day! Visit Smallcakes Smyrna on Saturday, January 18, mention Campbell HS PTSA, and a portion of your bill will be donated to CHS PTSA! Visit Campbell PTSA Calendar for details!
Campbell HS PTSA Spirit Wear Store is Open! Order by Sunday, February 9, and orders will be ready by the end of February. You will be notified by email when your order is ready for delivery/pickup. Visit the Campbell HS PTSA Spirit Wear store to place your order! Campbell High School PTSA Campbell News

 ATLGrad will be present in the cafeteria on Wednesday, January 29th during ALL lunches for class rings, letter jackets, and other graduation-item questions/purchases. There is a flyer below.
Work-Based Learning- Encourage your student to join Work-Based Learning (WBL) information sessions! These sessions will provide valuable insights on how to get involved in WBL, learn how to leave campus early to gain more work hours while earning credit, and discover internships in careers in which your student is passionate. Sign up now and start your journey towards gaining real-world experience, earning credit, and building a successful career! Contact with questions.
 YEARBOOK purchase deadlines are approaching. See flyers below. January 24 is an upcoming deadline.
It's that time again- Color Guard Training Clinic and Auditions- It is open to all students interested in 9th through 11th grade. The clinics are to help students feel more prepared for the auditions. The clinics are not mandatory, but HIGHLY suggested. Once students are signed up, they will receive more information about times and needed materials. Any other questions, just let me know. Here is the link that the QR code is attached Prom 2024-25

Campbell Advanced Placement Scholars- CAPS The week of January 27 has been designated as the CAPS Campaign and Application Week!

IB News Schedules: As mentioned in the Remind message, we are still balancing classes based on numbers - the remaining changes are based on 10th grade math placement tests and 9th grade language placement tests. However, if a student is in the incorrect course, please have them go see the appropriate person (sent in the Remind message).
Seniors: Please verify that your student has submitted their final draft for their Extended Essay and set up their Viva Voce with their mentor. Any student who did not submit their final draft for the Extended Essay was to meet in person with Ms. Wood by Thursday, January 9th for an extension in order to remain in IB courses this semester and take exams in May. Juniors: We know the first semester can be challenging for juniors as they familiarize themselves with IB-style content and assessments. Remind them that they are in this program because we know they are remarkable students who both want and can handle challenges! They can do this! Continue to encourage them to attend their teacher's tutoring sessions, set up study groups, and ask for help.
Academic Advisement - we will send a link for students to sign up for advisement via Remind two weeks before their class's advisement begins. Students will receive a pass to report to the advisor for their appointment. We will also send course options through Remind. Advisement is ONLY in-person for students. Parents will join via FaceTime, Teams, or phone.
Class of 2027, rising Juniors: 2/24-3/7 (note: 3/3 is a digital learning day, so all advisement appointments will be on Teams). Class of 2028, rising Sophomores: 2/3-2/14
Save the Dates: 1/31 - Magnet Announcements for Accepted Students 2/2 - IB Open House for accepted students, 1:30-4:00 - We would love your help - Please look for the sign-up on Remind! 2/13 - IB Insights, @ 11:45 (Teams link will be sent) 3/29 - IBBC Auction Night (details to come, follow IBBC on Social Media)
Senior News
Attention Senior Families!! Campbell’s Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2025 will take place on Friday, May 23rd, 2025, at 7:00 PM at the KSU Convocation Center. Seniors should log into their student portal to request tickets for the commencement ceremony. Instructions to request tickets are attached below. Please note that this is a request and not a guarantee that the number of tickets requested will be honored due to the capacity limits and the size of the senior class.
Seniors have until February 28th, 2025, to make their ticket request. Any students who do not request tickets will only receive 2 tickets for the commencement ceremony. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough (
Seniors: Please use the QR code in the Senior Flyer to purchase your cap & gown for the lowest price of the year. If you have any questions, see Dr. Dorrough (
Parents of Seniors are asked to please ask your student about the information that was shared with them by our counselors during their Senior Seminars.
There is information below in the attachment from Cady Studios for our parents/guardians of Seniors.