
Week of March 2nd

Week of March 2nd

Spartan News | Week of March 2, 2025

Important Dates 

Digital Learning Day- Monday, March 3. Students will complete assignments at home and staff will have professional development.
Friends of Campbell Brunch-
Thursday, March 6 at 9 AM

College and Career Fair-
Friday, March 14, 9:00-11:15 AM

Meeting for Senior Parents-
Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 PM in the PAC

Commencement Ceremony for CHS graduates and families-Friday, May 23, at 7 PM at KSU

Campbell's Website
Campbell High School (cobbk12.org)

Principal's Message

Hello Spartan Families, 

Tomorrow is a Digital Learning Day for all students. It will be a professional learning day for faculty and staff.  

Campbell was recently named by State Superintendent Richard Woods in five of eight AP categories-
AP School of Distinction
AP Humanities School
AP Humanities Achievement School
AP STEM School
AP STEM Achievement School

We are excited that our students, staff, and parents continue to work together to encourage all of our students to have high academic aspirations as they prepare for a bright future beyond high school. 

Parents, with flu season upon us, please review the document sent by Nurse Cristelli and the CDC link below if you have concerns about when to send your student to school. 
CDC's Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance: What to Do When You Are Sick | NCIRD | CDC

Also, please read the immunization letters below in English and Spanish from our enrollment clerk. 

We ask that families please complete our Climate Survey in the attachments below. There are only 22 questions, and it will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We would like to get at least 30% of our families to complete the survey. All schools have to complete it. 

The Student Behavior Contract Letter was shared with all parents/guardians at This is Sparta. All students received a copy on the first day of school and it was reviewed with students during the grade level assemblies. A copy of the letter is in the attachment below and will remain for the remainder of the school year. Please review the letter with your student. 

Please note that there is a change this year to the Early Checkout TimeThe Early Checkout Time has been changed to 2:45 PM

Counseling Corner

We welcome feedback from our parents, family members and community to help us build meaningful programs for the students. Please click this link or scan the QR code to complete the short survey. https://forms.office.com/r/0Pc3NJNAbK





College and Career Center

Our College and Career Counselors, Ms. Young and Ms. Diaz-Brown are continuing to meet and work with our students. They are located in the offices across from the counseling office which is down the hall from the cafeteria.  

Campbell's PTSA Corner

Call for Volunteers! The CHS College & Career Center is hosting a College & Career Fair on Friday, March 14th and they would like some volunteers to help it run smoothly. Volunteer here: College & Career Fair Volunteer Sign Up

Senior Yard Signs - Now on Sale for Class of 2025! Visit the CHS PTSA Store to place your order by March 31. Signs will be ready for pickup at CHS in mid-April. Optional IB toppers are also available. 

Join the CHS PTSA Board for 2025-26We are looking to fill some open positions on the Board for next school year. Interested in making great things happen for CHS students, staff, and families? Visit campbellptsa.com for details or email us at campbellptsapresident@gmail.com!

Campbell High School PTSA

Campbell News

Summer School Information- Three Attachments Below

Attached is the flyer for the CCSD HS Summer School Credit Recovery Program.

  • CHS students will attend Wheeler HS
  • Up to 1.0 credit recovery course
  • Cost= FREE! (includes breakfast and lunch)
  • Transportation is provided from CHS to WHS. They do not pick up from student’s houses for summer school!
  • Students must attend all day, every day, unless they complete the course.
  • Families must attend Parent Orientation- dates and times listed on flyer.
  • Registration opens March 1 in PARENTVUE. Parents register students for credit recovery course.
  • Credit recovery ONLY, courses offered are attached!


The CHS Debate Team did it again winning top honors and walking away from the final tournament of the 2024-2025 season with lots of awards!

Campbell received the 1st place Sweepstakes award for the season. Mr. Franco and Ms. Cook won the Coach of the Year Award.  Honors for speakers in the Novice Division went to Ayo OlubuyideAminah Baxter, Arush Mathukuri, Grant Trammell, Olivia Weatherby, Royal Randolph IV, and Marley Stewart.

Cole Henderson and Tristan Batherosse received speaker awards and Kanesha Ekthamwongsa came in 1st place in the Junior Varsity Division. Novice teams receiving honors were Ayo and Arush, Palmer Hill and Grant, Royal and Aminah, and Olivia and Marley.  JV Teams receiving honors were Tristan and Cole; Kanesha received the 1st place trophy.

Campbell Debate - Arguably the Best!


Elective Registration for the 2025-26 SY

The Power Surge (weekend tutoring) is attached below.
This is a great opportunity for students to complete or make up assignments.
Students should bring their charged laptops and enter the building by the front office.
Email Dr. Eaton if you have any questions (lisa.eaton@cobbk12.org)

AP Exam Registration for Spring semester classes is available through Friday, March 7th at 6 pm. Students must join their teacher's AP Classroom AND complete registration & payment through Total Registration. Please review the attachment for additional details.  If students indicate that they receive Free/Reduced Lunch OR that the exam qualifies as a STEM exam, please provide 48 hours for confirmation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Armour (John.Armour@cobbk12.org) or Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org).


It's that time again- Color Guard Training Clinic and Auditions-  It is open to all students interested in 9th through 11th grade. The clinics are to help students feel more prepared for the auditions. The clinics are not mandatory, but HIGHLY suggested. Once students are signed up, they will receive more information about times and needed materials. Any other questions, just let me know.

Here is the link that the QR code is attached


Campbell Advanced Placement Scholars- CAPS

IB News

Congratulations to IB 9th grader Mira Ballantyne who won 1st place at the North Central Technology Competition yesterday in the 9/10 Animation category. She will be one of three Campbell High School students advancing to the statewide competition to be held on March 1st, including Harshad Premkumar for 3D Modeling and Theodore Behrman for Audio Production. 
Mira's project is an animated PSA on tree planting programs and greenwashing and you can find it here: 

We are thrilled to welcome the incoming IB Class of 2029! Thank you to our current IB families for being wonderful ambassadors for the program. 

It's time for our Annual Silent Auction Event on Saturday, March 29th! Look for a link sent last week to purchase tickets! 

We need Auction Items for the event! Check out the IB Booster Club Instagram page and Remind for ways to donate, including our awesome grade-level auction baskets! 

Seniors: We know it's difficult right now, but please help us keep your seniors motivated! They should feel a sigh of relief having finalized their EEs and Viva Voces last week.  REMINDER: Deadlines for uploads to IB are set by the IBO. Any possible extension was provided and all exams have been paid for. Any student who misses deadlines for EE, CAS, or IA deadlines will forfeit the opportunity to receive an IB Diploma and potentially sit for exams as these are required components for receiving the IB Diploma.  

Juniors: Congratulations to juniors completing the first part of the IB Language B exams!  

Sophomores: We have enjoyed meeting with sophomores to plan their first year into IB. Reminder: All sophomores should have watched the video with you and signed up for advisement - both were sent through Remind the week before break. If the student hasn't had the opportunity to watch the video prior to advisement, we will reschedule for a brief advisement with just the student at a later date. 

Freshmen: It was wonderful advising freshmen before the break. Continue working diligently on your classes, asking teachers for help, and using the study tips advisors gave you. 

Save the Dates: 

2/25 - 3/7 - rising junior advisement -see details below and on the SIGN-UP Genius

3/11-3/13 - Rising 9th advisement after school 

3/29 - IBBC Auction Night (we need your help: follow IBBC on Social Media for ways to support the program)

4/28 - IB Exams begin

5/17- IB Medal Ceremony - for any IB Diploma/IB Course student who sits for the paid exams. 

Senior News

Attention Senior Families!!

Class of 2025 Cap & Gown delivery will take place on Wednesday, March 5th from 11:30-1:45 in the area outside of the PAC. Cap & Gown orders placed by February 14th should be available for pickupDecember graduates must check in at the front office before coming to pick up caps and gowns. If you have any questions about pick-up, please contact Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org). If additional dates for delivery are required, that will be communicated at a later date.

Campbell’s Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2025 will take place on Friday, May 23rd, 2025, at 7:00 PM at the KSU Convocation Center. Seniors should log into their student portal to request tickets for the commencement ceremony. Instructions to request tickets are attached below. Please note that this is a request and not a guarantee that the number of tickets requested will be honored due to the capacity limits and the size of the senior class. 
Seniors had until February 28th, 2025, to make their ticket request. Any students who do not request tickets will only receive 2 tickets for the commencement ceremony. 
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org).

Seniors:  Please use the QR code in the Senior Flyer to purchase your cap & gown for the lowest price of the year. If you have any questions, see Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org).

Parents of Seniors are asked to please ask your student about the information that was shared with them by our counselors during their Senior Seminars. 

There is information below in the attachment from Cady Studios for our parents/guardians of Seniors.  

Athletics and Other Shout Outs!!

Georgia Wrestling Coaches Association just released their Academic All-State team rankings, our women’s team placed 1st out of every women’s team in the state and our boys team placed 2nd in the state among 6A schools. Congratulations to both of our wrestling teams and to Coach Armocida.

We want to send a huge shout out to the boys Lacrosse team for their help with the Smyrna Elementary School Sarah’s Path landscape cleanup day on today. They were instrumental in getting the grounds prepped and 375 bags of mulch moved and spread. Their help is appreciated beyond words! So proud of this group of Campbell boys!

Please see they flyer below for the Spirit Night for the Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy!