
Final Exam Schedule

Final Exams

Fall 2021-2022 Final Exam Procedures and Schedule


  • All Final Exams will be Face to Face 
  • No Final Exam Exemptions per Cobb County School District 
  • Final Exams will count 10% 
  • Exams will not be given early 
  • Every class is required to take a Final Exam
  • Courses with an EOC test will have an assessment (unit test, project, etc.) at the scheduled time on the final exam day. 

Final Exam Schedule

Tuesday, 12/14 – 1st block A day final & 2nd block A day final.
Wednesday, 12/15 – 3rd block B day final & 4th block B day final.
Thursday, 12/16 – Early Release, 1st block & 1st block A day final exam & 2nd block & 2nd block A day final.
Friday, 12/17 – Early Release, 3rd block & 3rd block B day final exam & 4th block and 4th block B final.


 Early Release Bell Schedule for 12/16 & 12/17:

 8:20 - 9:54 am
 10:01 - 11:30 am

Make-up Final Exam Opportunity: 

Students who miss a final exam must contact their teachers to inform them of their illness/absence and to confirm their attendance for the final exam makeup time within the first 10 days of Semester 2. Students will receive a zero until those exams are made up. 

IHAA-R Policy: Final Examinations:
The Cobb Board of Education changed policy IHAA-R on final exams. As a result of this change, final exams shall count for 10% of a student’s final grade in non-EOC-high-school courses. Please ensure that the grade category weights and syllabi for your courses conform to the modified policy.