
Course Preview

Course Preview

Campbell Families,

The scheduling team is preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. Monday, March 25, 2024, we will begin our Course Preview for next school year. Course Preview week affords parents an opportunity to request a change if you disagree with the teachers’ recommended placement (i.e. On-Level to Honors, Honors to AP, Honors to On-Level) or if you need to make a change to replace an elective (move an alternate to a primary only). We will not renumber elective selections. Please see important information below regarding course request:

➢ Level of rigor changes require a waiver. The waiver is included in the change request form. ➢ Any alternate electives chosen can be placed in your students’ schedule including the 8th elective option, as well as ANY CTAE course that allows them to continue with a sequence and compete a pathway. ➢ We will not offer Minimum Day in the Fall, only Spring semester. • Work Based Learning is a great opportunity which affords students the flexibility to work while earning high school credit and potentially obtain job placement in their career field. We still have seats available. Please visit www.tinyurl.com/cam8pbellwbl for application. ➢ JROTC, Band, Orchestra and Chorus are year-long commitments and are two elective options.

You may view your students’ courses in StudentVue/ParentVue by selecting the "Course Request" tab. Changes must be submitted through the link below. Email requests will not be granted. No changes will be made in the Fall. The form will be available beginning Monday, March 25, 2024, and close Friday, March 29, at 4:00 PM. Please remember these are only course requests NOT your students’ actual schedule. They will receive their schedules in late July and please be reminded no changes will be made in the Fall. If you have any questions, please email Valencia.Andrews@cobbk12.org

Course Request Change/Waiver Link
