
Week of January 15

This Week at Campbell


Spartan News  |  Week of January 15, 2024    

School Closed- Monday, January 15- Observance of Dr. King's birthday

Open House- Thursday, January 25 at 6 PM. We will start in the PAC

For more information about Campbell sports and other news, please visit our website www.campbellhs.net


Principal's Message


Good afternoon, Spartan Families, 

We have almost completed the first ten days of this second semester where we are making adjustments to the student's schedules to ensure their success. 

We look forward to honoring the legacy of Dr. King tomorrow, with the observance of his birthday. School will be closed.  

Hybrid parent meetings will be scheduled in February since we have Open House this month. There will be a separate meeting for parents of seniors and for parent of 9th-11th grade students.

Information about tickets for graduation may be found below in the senior section of the newsletter. 
All Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to check the information in the Campbell News below for the Junior/Senior Prom. 

 Parents are reminded that students should not be dropped off before 7:30 AM unless it has been requested by a teacher or coach and they will remain with that adult. Students are also expected to leave the building no later than 4 PM unless they are under the supervision of a teacher or coach. 

Best regards,
Dr. Watkins

Counseling Corner 

Apply to College Week is quickly approaching (January 22 – 26)We have 9 schools coming to campus. The schools are: Alabama A & M, Albany State, Atlanta Metropolitan College, Chattahoochee Tech, Georgia Gwinnett College, Georgia State, University of Alabama, University of North Georgia and the University of West Georgia. The flyer in the attachment below contains the QR code needed to sign up.  The final day to sign up is Friday, January 19.


P.S. If you or your student is interested in learning more about Skilled Trades, please scan the QR code to complete the Student Interest Form.   



Please review SAT Testing dates flyers below. 

We have had some changes to our counseling department and caseloads, please use the list below to find your child’s assigned school counselor.






Dawn Holmgren

Dept Chair & DE  (Technical Colleges)



Laura Potts




Kimberly West




Candice Goldman

Gon-Lat & DE  (2-Year & 4-Year Colleges)



Jana Loftin




Yolanda Wright




Rotarsha Jackson




Counselors are assigned based on the student’s last name

PTSA Corner
Call for Volunteers and Donations! Help us treat our awesome CHS Staff to Breakfast on Friday, January 26, the morning after Open House. Please click here to volunteer or donate to make this a great event for our staff: CHS PTSA Staff Breakfast Sign Up.  Go to campbellptsa.com for more info!

Campbell News

Student's laptops- We still have about 200 students whose parents have not opted in for a laptop. There are two attachments below in English and Spanish. Please review it if you still have not opted in for your student to receive a laptop. 

It is open registration for after school Credit Recovery (for students who received below a 60 in content courses), and we will begin on Tuesday, Jan 23rd. See attached information to give to students. If you have questions, please contact Lisa.Eaton@cobbk12.org

Communication to Parents about Open House:

Parking/Entrances:  Powder Springs Street, Tiger Lot, Performing Arts Center (PAC) parking lots (Fleming Street). 

Schedules:  Access your student’s schedule through ParentVue.  Support will be available in the front office if you don’t have ParentVue. 

Support:  Staff members, Administration and Student leaders (ROTC) will be available to assist you as you move through the building. 

Staff will be available to answer questions concerning laptops in the Learning Commons, lunch applications in the cafeteria, and Parentvue in the Front Office.  Counselors will be in the in the Learning Commons for scheduling questions. 

Parents, please remember Open House is not a parent/teacher conference.  Please feel free to leave your updated contact information with the teacher to schedule at a later time. 

Junior and Senior Prom Tickets are now on Sale. 
Don't wait too late to purchase yours on Mypaymentsplus.

 Fall 2023 Power Surge (Tutoring support for our students) dates, subjects, and times. Will return the second semester.

Campbell IB News

We'd love to have parents volunteer and have many opportunities this semester. Please follow the IBBC on FB and Instagram for opportunities. They will also send out emails through Membership Toolkit if you are a member.  
Here are a few opportunities below where we can use your help! 

IB Open House for Accepted Students - February 4th - Please post the following flyer in your neighborhood FB pages and send to your middle school PTA newsletters. 
IB Community Events for Accepted Students - February 10th & 11th 
IB Annual Fundraiser Par-Tee at Top Golf! - April 18th 
IB Medal Ceremony - May 18th, 10-12 (Junior Class Families host)

All grades: Did your student participate in an exciting opportunity over the break? We'd love to feature any students who participated in competitions, academic, or international opportunities, so have them email or send pictures and details to Ms. Wood on Remind. 

8th grade parentsSAVE THE DATE - Magnet Acceptances are announced in the Magnet Portal on February 2nd and our IB Open House for ACCEPTED Students on February 4th

9th and 10th - Reminder that grades are finalized each semester and factored into the GPA. Each semester starts new, so remember to have your students reach out to teachers and attend teacher tutoring hours as soon as they struggle with any concepts. 

11th -  Great job to the juniors on a successful first semester in IB courses! Now that you have a semester under your belt, you know how to structure your time and effort. Consider forming study groups and attending teacher's tutoring hours. You got this! 

12th - Exam registrations will be finalized Monday, January 15th. We met with Seniors on Thursday. The slide deck was sent to all parents and seniors with meeting details.

Senior News
Campbell's Commencement Ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 @10am at the KSU Convocation Center.  
Seniors who are December graduates will be able to request tickets for our commencement ceremony beginning on November 28th through December 15th.  Counseling and Dr. Dorrough will communicate the process to graduates this week.  Seniors who are May graduates will be able to request tickets for our commencement ceremony beginning on January 16th    through February 29th.  This is a ticket request for graduates and is not a guarantee of the number of tickets graduates will receive.  Graduates that do not complete the request will only receive two tickets.  If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org).

Beginning on January 16th, May Graduates will have the opportunity to request tickets for graduation.  Directions for requesting tickets are included in the attachments.  Students must make the request through their Student Portal.  The window to request tickets will close on February 29th.  **Please remember this is a request for tickets for Campbell's Graduation Ceremony and does not guarantee that you will receive the number of graduation tickets requested.  If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dorrough (Jennifer.Dorrough@cobbk12.org)."  

A Senior Gear flyer is below from the senior advisors- Ms. Hermansen and Ms. Ontingco, explaining the distribution of senior gear that has been purchased. 



CHS Boys Lacrosse team is looking for managers! If interested, please contact Coach Williams in room 602 or email campbellboyslacrosse@gmail.com” 
Congratulations to the Spartan Swim and Dive Teams for taking 1st Place in their last regular season competition meet. Both teams defeated Allatoona, Carrollton, Kell, Whitefield and a few other schools. The swimmers and divers next competition is in the County Championships which begins Thursday night at the Cobb Aquatic Center for diving and then Friday and Saturday for the swimmers at Mountain View Aquatic Center.