


Here are examples of Clubs and Activities that are offered. Dates and times are typical and may change for the upcoming school year. Watch for updates. We will post updated information at the beginning of the school year.



Art ClubCeilidh HoadleyArt club provides a space for students to share and discuss art, practice art skills, do art-based community work with or for the school, and work on art projects!TBD4:30 - 5:30pm
Best BuddiesAmy Deason & Royce BeecherStudents work together to make & deliver coffee for coffee cart or munchy treat bags, Halloween get together, holiday gift exchange, & friendship walk.TBDTBD
Campbell Dance Club Alexandra Gorrell & Contia MackDance team that practices weekly and performs at CMS events throughout the school yearTuesdays4:30pm - 6:00pm
Campbell Middle School Debate TeamNatalie Darbey-Haynie Jennifer SuggsCampbell Middle School Debate Team ( supported by the Atlanta Urban Debate League) is a club committed to helping students gain confidence, strengthen critical thinking skills, and become dynamic public speakers through competitive debate.  Wednesday4:30-5:30 PM
Campbell Middle School Soccer Club Felix Vilanova Reginald Williams Jessica Richardson Alexandra GorrellThe club is based on the development of the sport of soccer, creating positive social relationships between students and competing friendly in an environment of values and respect.Monday1 time per week. From 4:40 pm to 5:30 pm
CharlemosItzary FrancoCharlemos is designed to provide Dual Language Immersion (DLI) students with a dedicated space to practice the target language in an engaging and educational setting. The club will meet monthly, with each meeting featuring a designated cultural activity that encourages the oral use of the target language while immersing students in its traditions. The primary objective of Charlemos is to develop cultural competency and enhance students' language skills. By participating in this club, students will have the opportunity to grow linguistically and culturally in a fun and supportive environmentFriday8:15-8:40am 
Chess clubAnamika PolLearning skills which help students to think quickly and improve critical thinking skills.Tuesday8:00 to 8:30 am
Club IBDawn Whipple Ms. Diana Cassaro and Ms. Angela StewartClub IB is a group focused on expanding your world view and actively engaging in activities to make Campbell Middle School one of the best places to grown and learn!  This year we will focus on our community garden! Come and grow with us.Wednesday4:30 ish - 5:30 pm
CMS Cooking ClubEvelyn Stover  & Dr. JonesThe Cooking Club at Campbell Middle School ensures a safe place for students to stay after school and learn basic cooking skills. Cooking inspires children in an area that is not offered during the traditional school day.TBD4:30 - 6:00 PM 2x/month
CMS Photography ClubMaria Osakwe Angela Stewart Robert PurchaseSponsors will mentor students on using the art and skills of taking pictures and recording videos, editing, photoshop, and publishing. We may go on 1-2 field trips to visit professional photograph business to expose students to the career potential and extensive equipment used in photography. The club members also cover important school events and functions all year, and work with the journalism club.  Wednesday4.30-5.20pm
CMS STEAM CLUBTiondra GrantWe offer a dynamic and engaging environment where students can explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through various exciting activities.TBD8:00am- 8:40am
Drama ClubMelissa YoungbloodA club for students interested in learning about the Theatre and Entertainment business. This is a performance-based club. Tuesday4:40-5:30pm
Dungeons & Dragons ClubJohn WamstedThe D&D club is a space for Campbell Middle School students to gather and play the classic role-playing game of Dungeons & Dragons.Thursday430-530pm
Elite Men of LegendsKendall Jacobs & Kenny ClairizerMentoring organization aimed at positively guiding young men. Focusing on academic enrichment, professional development, and peer leadership. Wednesday4:30pm
Geography BeeAnamika PolThe National Geography Bee is a quiz competition for individual students, testing knowledge of the political, human, cultural, and physical geography of all parts of the world. Students first take the free Online Regional Qualifying Exam (ORQE) which is available in the fall.Friday8:00- 8:30 am
History Bowl ClubWendolyn Jones Ms. PolThe National History Bowl is a quiz competition for teams of students, testing knowledge of the history of all eras and all parts of the world. Founded as one of the first two IAC events in 2010, the National History Bowl has welcomed tens of thousands of students since then in a competition celebrating knowledge of all facets of human history.MondayMornings at 8:05 am
HRRB Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Anamika PolCompeting against other middle schoolers to test knowledge and have fun.Thursday8:00- 8:30 am
Kindness ClubAnamika PolKindness is being generous and helpful, without expecting anything in return.Monday8:00am to 8:30 am
Lady SpartansRoyce Beecher, Brenda Sellers, & Caroline HarrisLady Spartans provides young ladies the opportunity to build self-esteem as they discover personal worth. Lady Spartans club has various activities for members, including etiquette and workshops on interpersonal relationships, health, and wellness. Tuesday4:30-5:30 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month
Science Fair ClubTrinna Johnson Mrs. Holmes-FloydThe science fair club will assist students in grades 6-8 with developing a science fair project to compete in the district science fair. Wednesday8:20 AM
Science Olympiad TeamAnn DubickScience Olympiad is a highly competitive STEM competition at the local and state level.  The team is comprised of 15 students that compete in 23 different events.Mondays & Wednesday4:30 - 6:00pm. 
Sign Language ClubEmily Roberts, Alexis Simmons, & Ophelia BuchananClub where students learn and practice sign language, study Deaf culture, and expand and diversify their community. The club welcomes students of all skill levels; no prior knowledge needed! Wednesday8:00
Student Principal Advisory CouncilDr. MitchellThe Campbell Middle School Student Principal Advisory Council (CPAC) is a student body organization designed to offer a student perspective for decisions made at Campbell Middle School. Application and reference required.
Tuesday8:15 - 9:00am once a month
Tome Reading BowlAnamika Pol & Montonio ReidStudents read 3 books each month and compete against other Cobb County schools. Competitions are held at school only, virtually.Wednesday8:00 to 8:30 am
WyldLifeJohn Wamsted Elizabeth CravensWyldLife is an outreach ministry to middle school students, it is a division of YoungLife.FridayFriday, once a month, from 8:00 to 8:45
Yearbook ClubMs. Ellis, and Ms. Gorrell