
Back to School Message from Nurse Jardin:
I am Maureen Jardin, the school nurse at Cheatham Hill. Please take the following steps to help prepare for your students medical needs throughout the upcoming school year.
*Download care plans for chronic health conditions such as Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures ,Food Allergies to have on file for your student. Your students medical doctor must complete and sign all care plans. All students with chronic health conditions requiring Epi Pens, Asthma, etc. must have a updated 2023-2024 care plan.
*In order to leave medication in the clinic, please do the following.
- Complete Authorization Forms.
- Supply medication in the original container and label with student’s name and expiration date of medication.
- All medication should be in the original container. No medication in baggies will be accepted.
Medication will be accepted during Sneak-a-Peek. Please complete authorizations and place them with labeled medication in a large baggie with your student’s name and your contact information to leave in the clinic.
REVIEW ILLNESS GUIDELINES for Cobb County School District. Refer to the guidelines when sending your student back to school after an illness or deciding when your child should stay home because of an illness. Now is a great time to have a plan in place to pick up a sick student from the clinic when called. Per Cobb County Policy, a sick student must be picked up within an hour of being called by school.
*If you student needs assistance with toileting, please practice this summer to help them prepare for the school year. Send clothing in their backpack if needed. Parents will be called to pick up students who are heavily soiled.
*Ill students should not be medicated to take a test, attend a field trip or celebrate a class celebration during the school day. Not only does this expose everyone to illness but they will not perform their best if ill.
*Please check you student weekly for lice. It is the most effective way to detect cases early and to prevent transmission. If your student does have lice, please notify your teacher or the clinic.
Following these simple guidelines help us prepare for a wonderful, safe, and healthy school Year.
I look forward to serving your family's health care needs during the upcoming school year.
Maureen Jardin, LPN