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At Cobb County schools, safety comes first. The Cobb Shield program is all about protecting students and staff every day. With a team of over 80 experienced officers and the latest security technology, we’re committed to keeping our schools safe. From emergency preparedness to ongoing safety training, this page will walk you through how we work together to ensure a secure and supportive environment for learning. Your safety is our priority!
VapingVaping is risky for many reasons. E-cigarettes are highly addictive and have been found to contain metals and chemicals known to cause lung damage. Also, vapes with THC are a felony and will wreck a student’s future. Don’t risk it; don’t vape. Find additional resources here.Vector Alert
TipLineVector Alert is our district’s tip reporting service. If you have information about a threat to our safety, do your part and report it! And remember, you can remain anonymous. In Cobb, We Keep Each Other Safe! Students, staff members, and parents can submit a tip to the Vector Alert via the web, phone, email, or text. When submitting a tip, include the Cobb County School District identification code 1760 in order to designate the tip as related to Cobb Schools. To submit a tip – call or text 470-689-0298, email 1760@alert1.us, or report online at http://1760.alert1.us
CrisisAlertCENTEGIX CrisisAlert is the fastest and easiest way for teachers and staff to call for help in emergencies from the everyday to the extreme. With the simple push of a button on our wearable CrisisAlert badge, an alert instantly reaches administrators and responders. CrisisAlert is unique for its ability to deliver precise alert location, immediate audio and visual incident notifications (including lighted strobes, screen messages, and intercom integration) for campus-wide incidents, and 100% full campus coverage.
Evolv - The cutting-edge screening system identifies dangerous items inside bags and pockets in real-time as people walk through an open-air kiosk without separating themselves from personal items. Students and staff will enter at a normal pace; the quick scanning process helps avoid feelings of discomfort while working towards a safer campus. The AI-powered detection system can screen up to 1,000 students in 15 minutes and is the same technology used at large venues across the country, including hospitals, theme parks, stadiums, performing arts centers, and other metro Atlanta school districts.
CCSD Police
The Cobb County School District Police Department features more than 80 highly trained officers.
The average Cobb County School District Police Officer has more than 26 years of service under their belt. This means the Cobb County School District Police Department has more than 1,690 years of combined service experience! These officers are highly trained, come with serious experience, and many years of proven, faithful service.
TogetherCCSD PD have contacts with the Cobb County District Attorney’s Office, US Attorney’s Office (Northern District of GA), FBI (Joint Terrorism Task Force [JTTF], Counter Terrorism Working Group [CTWG], & Interagency Intelligence Working Group [IIWG]), Georgia Bureau of Investigation/Georgia Information Sharing & Analysis Center [GISAC], and Georgia & Cobb Emergency Management Agency/Homeland Security, and Cobb County/local Police Departments.
Student Safety
TeamCobb Schools has a dedicated team of professionals devoted to the security of our schools and the safety of our students and staff, including the Assistant Superintendent of School Safety Operations who is responsible for overseeing the District’s school safety initiatives.
SpecialistOne Emergency Management Specialist position was created in April 2018 to dedicate efforts at enhancing the District’s emergency response planning and procedures. Staffed by an officer with over 29 years of combined law enforcement, homeland security and crisis management experience, this position provides emergency response planning assistance to all levels of the organization. Additionally, the incumbent works in collaboration with local, State, Federal and private stakeholders to help meet the planning and response needs of the District.
Code Red
Unannounced Code Red Drills (UCRD) allow for a “snapshot” of a school’s preparedness for a Code Red Lockdown, with a follow-up debriefing and discussion for administrators.
ProceduresCopies of the Emergency Management Procedures Flip Chart were provided for each school’s leadership and posted on the PD Intranet page for additional access/downloading. The Flip Chart is updated regularly, most recently in 2022.
We Keep
Each Other
SafeAn award-winning video has been created for staff training and additional videos for elementary and middle/high school students are under development. See links to the Videos below.
Stop the Bleed
CPR TrainingOver 90% of CCSD schools have received training to respond to incidents involving severe bleeding. Staff members are taught how to apply and use a tourniquet to effectively respond to arterial bleeding or other severe bleeding caused by trauma.
Cops“Concerned Cops” is a mentoring program for high school and middle school students at risk for effectively relating to authority figures (i.e. school teachers, administrators, police, etc.). Students are taught coping skills, learning through role playing and discussion, to follow directions, and constructively deal with perceptions of biased or disrespectful behavior.
Security Checks
School internal security checks provide random evaluation of a school’s internal security awareness and actions by staff and students to identify suspicious persons in school without proper identification or purpose.
The CCSD Police have procedures in place to follow-up on violent threats or crimes received after normal school hours involving school students/staff or facilities.
CommunityCobb Schools teams up with security experts in the intelligence community to help keep our students and staff safe. These partnerships give us access to the best resources and knowledge available, so we can make our schools as secure as possible. Keeping our school community safe is our top priority.
InitiativeCCSD PD is working with the Cobb County Police Department anti-gang task force to raise awareness of gang activity and minimize potential gang activity in our schools.
Vapor Wake®
Vapor Wake® canine detection enhances safety by identifying concealed firearms and explosives before they become a threat. Used in schools, government buildings, stadiums, theaters, and public transportation nationwide, these specially trained canines continuously sample the air, following vapor trails to detect potential dangers in motion. Leading their handlers, they provide real-time detection for swift response.