Clubs at Dodgen 2024-2025
For more information on any of these groups, please contact the Faculty Sponsor listed.
K-Pop Club
Come listen to kid-friendly K-Pop music while making crafts, enjoying snacks, and playing K-Pop trivia! This club is open to anyone one and everyone who is interested in K-Pop! This club meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 8:15am in Mrs. Radcliffe's Room #724
Faculty Sponsors: Rachel Radcliffe and Melissa Hardin
Dodgen Civics Club
Dodgen’s Civics Club will model a Legislative Youth Assembly within the club during the fall, and in the spring will participate in the Junior Georgia United Nations Assembly. The club meets at 8:15 AM in Mrs. DiBlasi's room #611 once the calendar is set by the elected officers in August. Students may also choose to schedule a few afternoon meetings. This club is open to all Dodgen students. The club fee will be $25.00 per student to cover the club's annual association fee. T-shirts may be provided at an additional cost. Participation in the spring Junior GUNA 3-day residential program is an additional cost (for informational purposes last year was $425.00 per student) to be paid by parents of participating students
Faculty Sponsors: Christian DiBlasi and Curry Wiles
International Club
Students will learn about other countries/cultures, share fun traditions, food, games and more. As student leaders, the international club will also help to plan Dodgen’s International Night. We will meet monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 8:15am in Mrs. Hardin's Room #833.
Faculty Sponsor: Melissa Hardin and Rachel Radcliffe
Eco Club
Dodgen Eco Club is open to all students who want to help Dodgen protect and promote our environment through programs like: recycling, gardening, the Clean Air-No Idling Carpool Campaign, Earth Day and other student-led activities. We will meet twice monthly at 8:15 in Room 613, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month.
Faculty Sponsors: Jessica Stoeger and Mary Margaret Shepherd
Design Thinking Club (8th Grade)
The purpose of the Design Thinking Club is to teach creative problem-solving techniques for real-world challenges. Members will explore human-centered design, engineering, biomimicry, and other design processes. The club promotes enrichment, creative thinking, entrepreneurship, and engineering. It also provides opportunities for teams to compete in design challenges, with only qualifying teams advancing to outside school competitions. Think SHARK TANK! The club will meet on Wednesdays in Room #839.
All students who are interested in competing may participate in school competitions but are not guarantee advancement. For this first year, 2024-2025, DTC is open for 8th Grade only. More information can be found here:
An information session will be held Wednesday, August 21st 8:15 in Ms. Crisp's Room #839.
Faculty Sponsor: Marwa Crisp
PantherSTEAM Club - Technology & Design (7th & 8th Grades)
The Tech & Design club will focus on learning, building and exploring in the areas of 3D modeling, 3D printing, robotics and coding. This is not a video game club. The club will meet weekly on Thursdays and Fridays at 8:15 AM in Mr. Wickson's Room #438. Open to all interested 7th and 8th Grade Students.
Faculty Sponsors: Tom Wickson
Math Team
Any Dodgen student may be part of the Math Team. Meets every Monday at 8:15 AM in Room 835. The Dodgen Math Team competes in 2-3 district math competitions throughout the year, striving to develop students’ problem solving abilities and higher-order thinking skills. All of our students are encouraged to participate in the AMC 8, which is a national competition. Ten students will be hand-picked by the Math Team coaches to represent Dodgen in the MathCounts competition. A club fee is a requirement for t-shirts and competition registrations.
Students must complete an information form on team website: Additionally, students must have their parents complete a Parental Permission form found on the team website.
Faculty Sponsor: David Gabel, Ashley Miller, Andrew Malott, Richard Wilford, Alex Collins, Jordan DeGennaro, and Christine Einertson
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad functions much like a football or soccer team, requiring preparation, commitment, coaching and practice throughout the year. Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. Through Science Olympiad, students, teachers, parents, and business leaders bond together and work toward a shared goal.
Try-outs will be held in late August and early September. Try-outs are open to ALL Dodgen students who are able to dedicate their time to learn content, attend practices, and competitions. More information can be found at the Science Olympiad website.
Watch the morning broadcast for information. If there are any monthly meeting changes, coaches will notify team members. Meetings are in the Dodgen cafeteria. This club also requires that students attend Saturday competitions.
Faculty Sponsor: Barbara Kappel
Young Author's Club
The Dodgen Young Authors Club, better known as YAC (pronounced yack), is open to all Dodgen students who enjoy writing and sharing stories and/or poems. The club is mainly student-run. The club meets on the 2nd/3rd/4th Mondays of the month in Rm. 831 at 8:15 a.m. No fees, open to all Dodgen students, and the only obligation is to be a good listener and share at least a few of your writings over the course of the year.
Faculty Sponsor: Brian Wilson and Kim Clark
Spanish Club
All 8th grade students are welcome to attend Spanish Club! We meet at 8:15AM on the last Friday of each quarter in Sra. De Miguel's classroom (847) to celebrate and learn about Spanish-speaking peoples and cultures. There is no fee to join Spanish Club.
Faculty Sponsors: Jennifer De Miguel and Yazmin Morrone
French Club
Dodgen French Club is open to Dodgen students in ALL grade levels who have an interest in French culture, current affairs, art, music, travel, cuisine, language, etc... If you have ever been curious about the French-speaking world, join us to learn more about the topics that interest you.
The club will meet on the following Friday mornings from 8:00-8:45am in the Dodgen Cafeteria: August 23rd, September 20th, October 18th, November 15th, December 13th, January 17th, February 14th, March 21st, April 25th, May 16th (Tentative)
Use this link to register for 2024-25:
Faculty Sponsors: Marlo Sharp and Danielle Wentworth
Band Ensembles
The Dodgen Band Ensembles are extracurricular groups that meet once per week before school, providing additional instructional and performance opportunities. An ensemble is a fun and satisfying way to get in some extra practice time! Scheduled performances include a Fall and a Spring Showcase at school, as well as community performances as those opportunities arise. These ensembles are open to all 7th and 8th grade band students at no cost. Regular participation in rehearsals is expected in order to be included in performances. These morning ensembles meet at 8:00 AM in the band room.
Flute & Double Reed Ensemble on Tuesdays
Clarinet Ensemble on Tuesdays
Saxophone Ensemble on Wednesdays
Low Brass Ensemble on Wednesdays
Trumpet Ensemble on Thursdays
Percussion Ensemble on Thursdays
Dodgen Pops (By Audition Only) on Fridays
Faculty Sponsors: Brian Westphal and Regan Mack
Chorus Ensemble
The Chorus Ensemble is is open to current 7th and 8th grade students currently enrolled in chorus. This group rehearses together and performs in chorus concerts and in the community. There is no audition required for this group. The chorus ensemble will begin meeting during the second quarter and will meet on Wednesday mornings at 8:15 AM in the chorus room. Details are on There is no participation fee.
Faculty Sponsors: Chris Whittington and LeAnna Iddings
Drama and Spring Musical
Drama is an extra-curricular activity. It is run by our Partner in Education, Vicki Chase at MTW Drama. The club will meet before school 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM.
Music Theater Workshop also presents a show in the spring. Participation requires an audition before school the week prior to the December Break. For more information, visit the MTW Drama website. There is a fee and commitment requirement for students participating in the play.
Sponsor: MTW Drama and Vicki Chase, Dodgen Partner in Ed
Orchestra Ensembles
Dodgen Orchestra ensembles are extra-curricular groups that meet before school for rehearsals in the orchestra room. For information about the ensembles available and meeting times, please visit
Chamber Orchestra is a separate group, which has a separate page on the orchestra website. Students interested in Chamber Orchestra should go to Chamber Orchestra for detailed information.
Faculty Sponsors: Ashley Culley and Evelyn Champion
Makers Club
Come stretch your creativity and problem-solving skills with your friends! Try solving challenges using everyday objects.
When and Where: Tuesdays at 8:15AM in the Library Learning Commons.
Faculty Sponsors: Christine Einertson
Kindness Club
The Kindness Club is dedicated to fostering a culture of compassion and empathy through inspiring acts of kindness, cultivating a supportive community, and creating a positive impact through thoughtful gestures.
When and Where: Last Wednesday of each month at 8:15 AM in Room 203.
Faculty Sponsors: The Counselors, Kaley Hammonds, Kathryn Palmer, and Tonia Martin-Gatlin
Library Advisory
Want a say in what happens in the library learning commons? Want to help develop programs and services for the library? Serve on the Library Advisory Board and help the library become its very best!
When and Where: First Friday of the month, 8:30AM in the LLC
Faculty Sponsors: Christine Einertson
Dungeons & Dragons Club
This is a club for all students who enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons or would like to learn how to play. Meet Mrs. Halverson at the front office at 8:00 AM on Wednesday mornings to “roll for initiative” and make friends with similar interests. Contact with any questions.
Faculty Sponsor: Donna Halverson
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Club
Learn an ancient language and enrich your understanding of ancient Egypt. Open to all Dodgen students until we reach maximum capacity.
This club will meet weekly on Friday mornings, 8:15 - 8:45, in Mr. Wilson's classroom #831. See Mr. Wilson for details.
Faculty Sponsor: Brian Wilson