Griffin Middle School Nurse: Suzanne Law, RN
Clinic Phone number: (678)-842-6917 Ext 042
Clinic Fax Number: (678) 842-6919
Clinic Hours: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Students who become ill or injured at school are given health care in the Griffin Clinic. Minor injuries are treated. Parents are contacted when the injury or illness is of a more serious nature in order to pick up their student from school. We DO NOT make diagnosis, as there is no licensed physician on staff. The care is provided according to Cobb County Guidelines.
Log into ParentVue to confirm that all of a student's contacts are up to date: names, relationships, contact information, and rights.
Student Medical Forms
Healthcare Plan Forms
Please note that all healthcare plans are good for one year and must be signed by doctor.
Anaphylaxis Emergency Action Plan
Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Medication at School
Medication at school: All medication must be brought to school by the student's parent, legal guardian, or other designated adult in its original container and, if prescription, with its pharmacy label attached. Appropriate CCSD form(s) must also be completed by the parent/guardian. Students MAY NOT transport medications to and from school. No expired medication may be given.
Please note that the new CCSD policy, effective immediately, is that any prescription medication must have the physician’s signature on the medication authorization form. Prescription medicine will not be given in the clinic without signature from the doctor AND the parent. (See new form below):
Authorization To Give Medication (in English)
Authorization To Give Medication (in Spanish)
Students may carry over the counter medication on them, with the exception of medications listed on below form:
Authorization to Carry Over The Counter Medication (in English)
Authorization to Carry Over The Counter Medication (in Spanish)
Authorization to Carry Prescription Medication (in English)
Authorization to Carry Prescription Medication (in Spanish)
Commons FAQs (CCSD Provided):
• Questions and Answers: Medications and Health Care at School
• Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye) Information and Control Measures
• Ringworm Information and Control Measures
• Strep Throat Information and Control Measures (with pictures)