
Principal Advisory Council


A council functions as an advisory body, offering input to the local school principal.

The District believes family and community engagement is critical to student and district success. The establishment of Principal Advisory Councils is intended to provide a means by which parents, community members, and school staff can work together to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s concerns and share ideas for school improvement. 

Principal's Advisory Council Members 

Dr. Loralee Hill, Principal, Loralee.Hill@cobbk12.org 

Amy Stafford, PTSA Co-President, amystaf@gmail.com

Rebecca Caylor, PTSA Co-President, rebeccacaylor@gmail.com

Bonnie Laos, Parent

John Barrett Carter, Local Business Representative and Parent, barrettcarter@gmail.com

Christian Salzillo, Life Church

Kim Jones, Teacher of the Year, Kimberly.Jones@cobbk12.org

William "Brady" McCaffrey, Counselor, William.Mccaffrey@cobbk12.org

Lynzee Courtney, 6th Grade Assistant Principal, Lynzee.Courtney@cobbk12.org

Mr. Thomas Turner, Teacher and Leadership Opportunity, Thomas.Turner@cobbk12.org 

Eric Todd, Parent 

2023-2024 Virtual Meeting Dates
November 3
January 19
May 3