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Cobb Remembers


It was a day that began like any other, but one that ended burned into the minds of Americans. September 11, 2001, was a terrible day in our nation's history when airplanes were weaponized against citizens, and several of our most iconic structures were destroyed or heavily damaged. Three thousand people lost their lives, and many more were injured. Twenty-three years later, the painful effects of that day still linger and sting.

For Hillgrove and Kennesaw High School students, September 11, 2024, was "A Day of Remembrance" to keep the promise to "never forget." JROTC cadets at both schools gathered outside to commemorate and honor the fallen with prayer, a moment of silence, and a raising of the flag to half-staff. A timeline of the events was read, and a bell tolled for each of the four plane crashes.


"Today, we remember the sacrifices of countless public servants and military members home and abroad who protect us each day. We remember the sacrifices of nearly 3000 heroes who gave their lives in the worst national disaster to ever take place on American soil," said a Hillgrove cadet before calling for the moment of silence.

While 9/11 happened long before any of the students participating in the somber ceremonies were born, it was clear that they understood the day's significance. Many guests and family members also attended to remember and reflect along with the students.


"Thank you for coming today with the understanding of what we're doing," said Hillgrove Principal Angela Stewart to the large group of all ages assembled in the school's front courtyard. "Thank you for being here to represent those lost families."


Later in the day, Hillgrove cadets also performed a Pass-in-Review led by Cadet Company Commander William Fain and Cadet Executive Officer Gregory Porter. Cadets Fain and Porter presented several awards to JROTC cadets and named Bravo Platoon the Honor Platoon. Post 7 Board Member Brad Wheeler and Post 1 Cobb Commissioner Keli Gambrill were the guest speakers.



The impressive Pass-in-Review concluded the afternoon ceremony, with each platoon marching by the audience in synchronized steps. It was the perfect way to close the Day of Remembrance and a reminder that we will not forget as long as we keep the memory alive with respectful and hopeful shows of unity like the ones witnessed at Hillgrove and Kennesaw Mountain.

"I'm so proud of how these kids responded to the challenge and took this responsibility seriously," said Lt. Commander Ron Hojnowski, Hillgrove's Senior Naval Science Instructor. "This is a day to remember, but it's also a day to look forward; to be reminded of how we, as Americans, responded to a national tragedy by coming together as one."
