
New Principal Profile: Dr. Sara Ostrander, LaBelle Elementary School

Dr. Sara Ostrander, LaBelle Elementary School

Dr. Sara Ostrander views LaBelle Elementary School as “an anchor in the community.” 

That is one reason Dr. Ostrander is excited to bring her 25 years of education experience to LaBelle as the school’s new principal. 

Dr. Ostrander has been an educator in the Cobb County School District for 23 years, most recently as an assistant principal at East Side Elementary School. 

“I am excited to join the work that is already being done to promote student success through arts integration at LaBelle,” Dr. Ostrander declared.

In this comprehensive new principal profile, Dr. Ostrander elaborates on her leadership approach, the definition of student success, and the joys of serving as an educator. Additionally, discover where students, parents, and staff members might encounter Dr. Ostrander during her free time.

Question: What can the school community expect to see under your leadership? 

Answer: “I am most passionate about building relationships with others. People can expect to see a visible presence throughout the school building and in the community as I get to know the students, staff, and families at LaBelle.”

Question: What does student success look like to you?

Answer: “I identify student success as forward progress in any area of life – academically, socially, and/or emotionally. That progress can look different for each individual and grow at different rates. I want to encourage students to be their best selves every day to help them advance in their own unique way.”

Question: What do you like most about being an educator/principal, or what is your favorite memory as an educator? 

Answer: “One of my favorite memories as an educator was when I ran into a former 5th-grade student at a restaurant in Marietta. She mentioned that I helped her grow to love math by making it fun for her, and now she is pursuing an engineering degree at a state university.”

Question: Outside school, where might students, parents, or staff members run into you? 

Answer: “My husband and I live in West Cobb and enjoy spending time with our family and friends. When I am not in school, you may find us out walking our new puppies, dining at a local restaurant (La Parilla is our favorite), or watching college football in the fall.”