
Lassiter Bands is an award-winning high school marching and concert band located in Marietta, Georgia. We are deeply dedicated to our amazing music programs and currently boast a membership of nearly 200 high school music students. We compete and perform at venues all over the United States and have a dedicated staff that guides and encourages our students. We set high expectations for ourselves and our students, and they always rise to the occasion. Our supportive parent community and Lassiter Band Booster Association raise funds that support our efforts, making it possible for us to continue to provide an excellent band experience for all.
Visit the Lassiter Band Website for all information related to band.
Our Mission
The ultimate vision for the Lassiter High School Band program is to provide as many educational opportunities through musical skill and artistic excellence. Every decision made from the band office is in service to this skill development philosophy. Depth of musical skill has always been the hallmark of the Lassiter band program. Musical and artistic skill is our nucleus and sustaining focal point that is addressed through instruction in class. Every other aspect of the program is a satellite that extends from this instructional core. The satellites we offer are designed to serve this nucleus (i.e. marching band, Lassiter Music Institute (LMI), chamber ensembles, percussion ensemble, winter guard, jazz band, etc…) It is our hope that students will explore the opportunities afforded by every aspect of the program. While we don’t force students to participate in every satellite, it is understood that excluding these opportunities is the same as excluding nutrients from a healthy diet. Moreover, opting out of opportunities minimizes musical growth and fractures our band collective. When students opt out of chamber groups, LMI, marching band, and the other satellite programs, they are choosing to delay or not reach their full musical potential. Each opportunity fills a vacuum and produces a well-rounded musician and performer. Historically, our most successful students participate in as many satellites as possible.
The primary class curriculum of the band is organized into several core classes:
- Symphonic I Band – a mastery ensemble with collegiate level demand
- Symphonic II Band – an advanced ensemble with advanced high school demand
- Concert I Band – an intermediate ensemble with high school level demand
- Concert II Band (composed of technique classes) – a rudimentary ensemble with beginning high school skill
- Percussion Techniques – a rudimentary ensemble with beginning high school skill
- Dance Class – a movement class designed to teach the fundamentals of western movement through ballet
Opportunities extended to Lassiter band students outside of class instruction include:
- Jazz Band during Academic Support & Enrichment period (ASE)
- Chamber Music during Academic Support & Enrichment period (ASE)
- Instrumental Choirs (i.e. flute choir, trombone choir, clarinet choir, etc…)
- Percussion Ensemble I
- Percussion Ensemble II
- Winter Guard
- Marching Band
- Lassiter Music Institute (LMI)
- District Honor Band & All-State Band
- Symphonic Band Camp (SBC)
- Concerts
- Winter Concert, December
- Pre-LGPE Concert, February
- Spring Concert, May