
Please Volunteer for Duty-Free Lunch

Teacher Lunch Break Graphic

Now that the students are rotating lunch in the Commons Lost Mountain PTSA would like to bring back duty free lunch for our teachers.  Duty free lunch is a time when parents come in to supervise the students during lunch in the Commons and the teachers are given a chance to go eat lunch back in their classrooms without students.  We are offering duty free lunch on Tuesday's starting Tuesday, February 1st.  The shifts will be period 3 lunch, which is 7th and 8th grades and period 4 lunch,  which is 6th grade.  The classes are currently rotating which ones sit in the commons each week on an A and B schedule.  When you sign up please look at the date and the times listed for coverage.  A text will be sent to volunteers the day before their shift with the lunch schedule and their commons assignment.  Volunteers are asked to monitor the students as they go through the line, ensure they sit one seat apart and walk around to watch behavior as they are eating.  Teachers will come in at the end of lunch to line up their class and wipe down the tables.
