
6th Grade Preview Camp

School Event
6th grade preview camp July 16

2024 Silverhawks 6th Grade Preview Camp

Lovinggood Middle School July 16th

         This preview camp gives new Lovinggood 6th graders and their parents a chance to tour the school, learn about day-to-day life at Lovinggood and get some tips for a successful transition into middle school.  Activities include tours of the school, locker practice sessions, organization tips and question-answer sessions.  


This camp is designed for rising 6th graders and their parents.  Parent information sessions will be geared towards parents who are sending a student to middle school for the first time.    


Please see session info below.  Students will not need to attend both sessions.  *Please attend your assigned sessions as we are trying to keep session sizes manageable. 


Session 1   9:00- 11:00 for Rising 6th Graders from Kemp and Still Elementary Schools


Session 2    1:00- 3:00 for Rising 6th Graders from Cheatham Hill and Dowell                                                                    Elementary Schools



Please email Bob Hague with any questions.  robert.hague@cobbk12.org


Hope to see you there!


*Students attending camp who are from a non-feeder school/choice/employee transfers, should email Mr. Hague for a session assignment.