Dress Code

To promote a safe environment that is aligned with our school values of being Determined, Accountable, Respectful and striving for Excellence, all students shall be required to maintain a standard of personal care and hygiene for the formality of the school environment. Students are to refrain from any mode of dress that may cause a disruption. In our efforts to maximize the focus on teaching and learning, we have listed outliers that will not be allowed.
As a rule of thumb, the 6 “B’s” to avoid overall are: Buttocks, Breasts, Boxers, Bellies, Bras and Backs. Exposure of any of the “B’s” will be addressed administratively. Students must always be fully clothed. The following listed items are specific dress code expectations and violations:
General Dress Code:
- Appropriate undergarments must be worn and may not be visible.
- Slippers and rollers in shoes are prohibited.
- Clothing and accessories may not be related to “gang-wear.”
- Clothing may not have suggestive phrases, designs, profanities or depict illegal activity or substances.
- Caps/ hats may not be worn or visible in the building unless for an approved spirit day.
- Hoodies may not be worn on the head, and bandannas and do-rags are prohibited.
- Clothing, make-up or hairstyles that cause disruption or undue attention are prohibited.
- Pants/jeans with holes/tears above the thumb length when arms are extended by the side are NOT permitted.
- Opaque leggings/spandex pants may only be worn with tops that are long enough to cover the private areas.
- Pajama pants, flannel pants or anything similar may not be worn unless it is an approved spirit day.
- Shorts must be thumb length when arms are extended by side.
- All tops must have fabric on both shoulders that are a minimum of three fingers wide.
- See through clothing may only be worn if the clothing underneath meets dress code.
- Shirts / tops with large armholes must have appropriate coverage underneath.
Physical Education Dress Requirements:
- Athletic shorts must be thumb length (when arms are extended by side).
- Athletic shoes with shoestrings and/or Velcro are required.
- T-shirt must have sleeves and be long enough to be tucked in if needed.
- Yoga pants/ opaque leggings are permitted with a shirt long enough to cover private areas when arms are raised.
If a student is asked to adjust dress to meet dress code (i.e. keep a jacket on and zipped up) and, later, he or she returns to the former mode of dress that does not meet dress code (i.e. removes the jacket), the student may be referred to administration for insubordination. Students may be asked to call parents/guardians to bring appropriate clothing if needed. The student may be isolated if appropriate clothing cannot be made available to the student. Repeat offenses will result in administrative referrals.