
Overview of ARISS


amateur radio on the international space station logoARISS, which stands for Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, will take place during the week of April 15 - 21, 2024!  Get ready Mountain View for an opportunity to speak to an astronaut, over the radio, while on the International Space Station (ISS) from orbit!

So what is ARISS?

ARISS is an organization that inspires and allows students worldwide to experience the excitement and amazement of talking to crew members on the International Space Station from orbit through amateur radio bands. There are three types of contacts that are possible. They are:

  • Direct Contact - when a radio link between an amateur radio station on the school grounds connects to the amateur radio link on the ISS.
  • Telebridge Contact - where an ARISS amateur radio ground station, somewhere in the world, establishes the ISS contact for you. The students then connect to the contact through a local telephone patch on the school campus.
  • ARISS Multipoint Telebridge - this is very similar to the telebridge contact except the students connect to the contact from phone lines located in their homes, on multiple sites, instead of on one site like a school campus.

The goal is to inspire and help students pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as learn about radio technology and the various forms of communication that is possible.

About Our Contact

MVES will be holding a DIRECT contact...and is the first ARISS contact for the Cobb County School District since ARISS began in 1996! The event opportunity will take place sometime during the week of April 15-21, 2024! ARISS and NASA will provide the exact day and time the week prior. Our event will be LIVE streamed through the ARISS YouTube channel and Mountain View website and will be broadcasted over each Cobb County Library in the Cobb County Public Library System. BluShift Aerospace will also place the LIVE streamed link on their website and social media platforms.

The stuimage of a ham radiodents at Mountain View will go through several challenges throughout the school year as they learn all about radio technology, space, and communication methods. The Cherokee Amateur Radio Society will be visiting our campus to work with students and teach them the specifics of radio components, radio usage, and communication using radio technology. The students will also learn about space weather, telecommunications, CubeSat, and radio design.  We will even have a field day in May for all students on campus!

Community of Partners

Thank you Cherokee Amateur Radio Society, North Fulton Amateur Radio League, Amateur Radio Relay League, Cobb County Public Library System, bluShift Aerospace, and the ARISS Mentors and Educational Ambassadors! We are very thankful to our community of partners that are committed to the success of our event. Without their time, energy, and knowledge, along with a love for student learning, this event opportunity would not be possible.

partners for ariss.jpg

If you wish to participate, or provide educational opportunities and assistance, please email Dr. Cassondra Zielinski, STEM Instructional Specialist at Cassondra.Zielinski@cobbk12.org.

Credit for logos retrieved from websites on August 4, 2023:
Ariss Logo: www.ariss.org   CARS Logo:  www.wx4car.org       bluShift Aerospace Logo:  www.blushiftaerospace.com                            NFARL Logo:  www.nfarl.org          Cobb County Public Library Logo: www.cobbcounty.org/library