
Norton Park Open House


Norton Park is excited to host our upcoming Open House Events for all families on Tuesday, August 20th for Kindergarten and 1st grades, Tuesday, August 27th for 2nd and 3rd grades, and Thursday, August 29th for 4th and 5th grades! This is a great opportunity for parents to visit the classroom and get a preview of all of the things your children will be taught and learn this year, as well as the classroom schedule, student behavioral expectations, and how other initiatives like STEM and PBIS support student learning and achievement.  
 This is also a great opportunity to hear the State of the School Address and understand how our status as a Title funded school supports your children through our Title I Plan.  
 Each event will begin at 5:00 PM with the State of the School presentation with Spanish translation available.  We hope to see you at NPK for your child's Open House over the next couple of weeks!
 As always, thank you for supporting your child's learning experiences at Norton Park!
 Kendall Foster
 PROUD Principal, Norton Park Elementary