


PTA logo.


2024 - 2025 PTA contacts:

If interested in joining and/or volunteering, please email us at pta.powersferry@gmail.com

PTA President: Denise Johnson

Vice President: Lillian McGraw

Treasurer: Katrina Epps - email 

Co-Treasure: still open

Secretary: Blanca Dominguez

Board Members: Vacant

From Your Powers Ferry PTA

It is the purpose of PTA to be a resource for your family and to be a strong advocate for your children's education. For more information, please visit www.pta.org, and www.georgiapta.org. The PTA is made up of more than one million members, including parents, grandparents, mentors, educators, neighbors, and community leaders. By joining the PTA, you are an advocate for children everywhere - at the national, state, and local levels. If you have not yet jointed PTA, please contact any PTA officer to find out how you can become a partner in your child's education!

There are many volunteer opportunities that can be done at school as well as at home. We'll be glad to help you determine which opportunities fit your talents and availability.

Your support starts with membership. Just $10 purchases your membership card valid for the entire school year. We recommend each family member become card carrying supporters.