
Title 1



Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, provides funding to school districts to help ensure that all children, particularly those who are most academically at-risk, meet challenging state academic standards. Schools participating in the Title I program receive funds, based on the percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced-price school meals. Programs are designed to ensure high standards for all, increase quality instructional time, improve instruction through professional development, enhance family participation in the educational process and give schools the opportunity to provide additional educational resources, for the most at-risk students.

School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy  

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Spanish

District Family & Community Engagement Policy

District Family & Community Engagement Policy - English

District Family & Community Engagement Policy - Spanish

School - Family Compact 

Compact Policy Receiver Letter English and Spanish

School - Family Compact K-2  

School - Family Compact K-2 Spanish

School - Family Compact 3rd-5th 

School - Family Compact 3rd -5th Spanish

Title 1 Budget Snapshot

Title 1 Budget Snapshot

Title 1 Fall Input Survey

Title 1 Fall Input Survey 

Parents' Right to Know Qualifications of Teachers 

Parents' Right to Know Qualifications of Teachers

District Family Information Guide

District Family Information Guide

School Choice Transfers 

School Choice Transfers

Georgia School Grades Report- Governor's Office of Student Achievement 

Georgia School Grades Report - Governor's Office of Student Achievement

District Title 1 office 

District Title 1 office

Riverside Parent Resource Center is dedicated to providing parents with valuable information and resources to support their children's academic success. Our mission is to empower parents as their child's first and most important teachers, fostering strong partnerships that enhance student achievement. Parents are welcome to check out materials and resources to use at home with their children. The Parent Resource Center is open from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, making it convenient for parents to access the support they need. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for our students.


Annette Dangerfield-Lewis 


770-819-5851 Ext. 04