
Sign up for 6th Grade Music Classes!

image of smitha middle school. text reads Join the 2024 6th Grade Band, Chorus and Orchestra at Smitha! We have a place for YOU! Sign up today!

Join the Band, Chorus and Orchestra at Smitha Middle School!  No experience is necessary.  We will teach you everything there is to know.

Your friends and classmates will be a part of the largest student organization on campus.  We have athletes, cheerleaders, student club members and honor students in our groups.

What are the advantages of being in band, chorus or orchestra?  You will have the opportunity to bring your musical talent to life and share your talent on stage!

Music classes at Smitha are held during the school day and do not interfere with your after school activities.

Click the link below to sign up!

If you have questions, please contact the appropriate teacher.

Band: Dr. Brian Nichols or Morgan Fargo

Chorus: Kate Lessin

Orchestra: Sade Bryant

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