
South Cobb Prom 2025 Information

Prom Night Information

DATE: Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Time: 7pm-11pm

Location: The College Football Hall of Fame

Address: 250 Marietta Ste NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

Parking: Students will have to pay to park if they drive to Prom. Parking Decks are regulated by the City of Atlanta and rates vary depending on the events that are taking place downtown. Please be prepared to pay for parking. There is no FREE Parking at the College Football Hall of Fame. We encourage students to ride together or get dropped off at the College Football Hall of Fame.

Prom Early Release Forms: Any student attending prom must come to school on Friday, March 28th. Students are required to attend school for at least half a day. Students must be present for 1st and 2nd period. If you would like to check your student out early you must have an early release form completed. Early Release Forms are in the Main office, the Attendance office and outside Coach E’s room, Room 201. Early Release Forms must be turned into Mrs. Larrucea in the Attendance office by Tuesday, March 25th at 3pm. Forms should also include a printed copy of the parent ID or Drivers License. There will be no student dismissals over the phone.

Tickets: Each student attending Prom must have their own ticket. All tickets must be verified by South Cobb Staff when students arrive to Prom.

Prom King and Queen Voting: Voting for the Prom King and Queen will take place at prom from 7pm-8:45pm.

Prom King and Queen Crowning: The 2025 Prom King and Queen Crowning will take place at 9:30pm. All King and Queen Candidates need to be at Prom by 9pm.

Drugs or Alcohol: Prom is a school sponsored event. No students should arrive to prom with any drugs or alcohol. If a student arrives to Prom and smells of drugs or alcohol, they will be required to leave, and no refund will be given. Students are also subject to any disciplinary action that may occur at prom that violates the Student Code of Conduct.

Bags: Small handheld bags are allowed. All bags will be checked at the door by Security. All students will go through metal detectors at the entrance of the College Football Hall of Fame.

No Re-Entry: Once students leave the Prom, they will not be allowed to re-enter for any reason. Make sure to confirm you have everything you need before you enter the College Football Hall of Fame.