


1681347406989.pngThe Still Elementary School Foundation is a non-profit, 501c3 organization whose mission is to enhance educational opportunities for all students at Still Elementary.

The foundation is operated by a board of directors comprised of parents, faculty, and staff for the benefit of our school. We receive our funds from individual donors and businesses who receive a tax benefit for their donation.

The foundation was formed by parents and the administration to supplement educational expenses that were no longer being covered by Cobb County Schools in order to keep our children’s education competitive in all areas of learning. Our mission is to raise money for the school that will allow our school’s administration to fund elements of and/or enrich curriculum programs and student services. 



Become a Still Foundation Sponsor

 2023-2024 Foundation Board Members:

 President – Emily Spicer
 Secretary – Brittany Holliman
 Treasurer – Phil Zaffos
 Advisor –  Jennifer Malcho 
 Board Member – Doug Rantin
 Board Member - Jason Motter
 Board Member - Lakehta White

What is the difference between the Foundation and the PTSA?
Many parents ask are two organizations necessary? The answer is yes. The PTSA, part of a national organization, focuses on family engagement in the school and advocacy, whereas the Foundation concentrates on enhancing the students’ academic experience and the school facilities not funded by Cobb County or PTSA. There are occasions when the PTSA and Foundation objectives will overlap and we work together. Both organizations help make Still Elementary a great school!

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