Student Resources
How to find your Office 365 username Students will need to know their Office 365 username to log into many of the digital learning resources provided by the Cobb County School System. | |
You have access to the Cobb Digital Library from home There are lots of books you can read online, choose eBooks on the left menu You will need your Office 365 username to access these resources. Choose Bryant Elementary, Mableton, GA from the drop down menu Username: Office 365 username Password: computer password | |
Students are encouraged to practice their math skills at home using Dream Box Learning Instructions on how to log in: English Spanish | |
You have a PASS to the Cobb County Public Library! Username / library card number: student ID PIN: 4 digit birthday using the month and day you were born. For example, if you were born on February 4, your PIN would be 0204. | |
IXL Math Practice All scholars in grades 3, 4 & 5 have a username and login to IXL. | |
It might be called Summer Link but you can use these literacy and math resources all year to help your scholar. |
Resources for Spanish speaking families / Recursos para familias de habla hispana:
Story Place: Video storytime activities in Spanish
PBS Kids Spanish Games: Play educational games in Spanish
The Spanish Experiment: Children's stories told in Spanish by a native speaker
Super Simple Español: Children's songs in Spanish