Principal Advisory Council
Cobb Horizon/COLA Principal Advisory Council provides a means by which parents, community members, and school staff can work together to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s concerns and share ideas for school improvement.
The district believes family and community engagement is critical to student and district success. The establishment of Principal Advisory Councils is intended to provide a means by which parents, community members, and school staff can work together to create a better understanding of, and mutual respect for, each other’s concerns and share ideas for school improvement.
Courtney Riggs, COLA Teacher of the Year
Jennifer Pritt, Horizon Teacher of the Year
Adonica Bailey, Communities in School Coordinator
Pastor Sam Crowley, Partner, Renovation Church
Brandi Walters, Must Ministry
Paula Godley-Mack, COLA parent
Emily Martin, Former PTSA Secretary, COLA parent
Niki Palmer, Horizon parent
Ashley Sizemore, COLA MS parent
Natalie Ward, COLA MS parent
Jeni Weldin, Horizon and COLA parent
Meeting Dates: