
Course Catalog


The names and descriptions of each course offered by CVA are found below. Click on the course name for the course description and numbers. The listed course numbers are unique to CVA online courses.

Courses in Development           
The following courses are in active development. No release date is available until it is published on this page: Epidemiology; Introduction to Business and Technology; Introduction to Software Technology; Programming, Games, Apps, and Society; Web Development; Computer Science Principles; AP Computer Science Principles; First Aid and Safety

Click on the following link to review terms in which courses will be offered this school year: CVA Course Catalog

CVA offers courses during the Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms. One credit courses are offered in three ways: Full credit (Y, 1.0 credit); First Half (A, 0.5 credit); Second Half (B, 0.5 credit). This accommodates the various school schedules throughout the Cobb County School District. CVA offers Health, Personal Fitness, Economics, and Government as Half-Credit (0.5 credit) courses.

All CVA courses meet NCAA eligibility requirements.