
Wellness Information and Policy

Wellness - Students Arm Flexing

Food and Nutrition Services Wellness

The Food and Nutrition Department has registered dietitians on staff. Like you, we want all children to have the nutrition they need to be fit, healthy, and ready for success. We are very proud of the strides we have taken to improve our meals over the years. Consistent with Choose My Plate messages, students can enjoy whole grains, low-fat dairy, and fresh fruits and vegetables in our cafeterias everyday. In addition, all of our food offerings are trans-fat free.

Annual cafeteria promotions include:
National Fruits and Vegetables Month (September)
National School Lunch Week (October)
National Farm to School Month (October)
3 Every Day of Dairy Month (January)
National School Breakfast Week (March)
National Nutrition Month (March)

District Wellness

Our District wellness policy, District Administrative Rule EEE-R Wellness Program, can be found on the CCSD Policies and Administrative Rules page.

Each school has a local wellness plan and school health advisory committee. Schools engage in wellness activities for both students and staff. View details pertaining to 2022-2023 School Year Wellness Action Item Compliance. If you are interested in participating in the development, review, updating, and/or implementation of the local wellness policy at your school, contact the local wellness representative. 

Previous year's Wellness Action Item Compliance:

2019-2020 School Year Wellness Action Item Compliance

2020-2021 School Year Wellness Action Item Compliance

2021-2022 School Year Wellness Action Item Compliance

2022-2023 School Year Wellness Action Item Compliance

View the District Wellness Plan Timeline

Triennial Assessment Tool Updated 2023

Contact FNS Wellness Assistant Director, William Snead for more information.