Cobb Students Lead Metro Peers in Math, Georgia Milestones Results Show

Throughout the school year, state and national assessments highlight Cobb students leading their peers in all academic areas.
The most recent release of Georgia Milestones math assessment scores is no different. The math assessments show Cobb students making steady gains across grade levels.
In August, the district learned that Cobb students also scored above their state and metro peers in every other tested subject and for all subjects combined.
"Families in Cobb expect high-quality education, and they’re getting it for the best value in Atlanta. By outperforming their peers year after year, our educators and students continually show the community that their support is paying off,” said Board Chair Randy Scamihorn
Math Milestones assessments were revised during the 2023-2024 school year, which led the Georgia Department of Education to delay the release of math scores this year.
Based on the GADOE review, the new assessments are mostly comparable to assessments from prior years. The old and new math assessments are comparable across years for the two metrics shown above (levels 2–4 and levels 3 and 4).
When drilling to grade levels, 8th grade saw a 5.6 percent point jump for levels 2-4 from the prior year. Algebra students and Grades 4 and 5 posted scores more than 2 points higher than 2023 for the same levels.
Looking at levels 3-4, on all math assessments across each grade level, the percentage of students scoring in levels 3 and 4 increased compared to the past two years of assessments. In fact, Algebra scores leaped by 9.3 percentage points, and grade 8 was close behind with a 9.1 percent point jump for levels 3-4. Grade 5 also returned a significant increase of 4.9 percentage points.