



Debbie Broadnax, Principal, email
Meghan Smith, Assistant Principal, email
Tracy Blackburn, SSA, email
Holli Chinapoo, Pre-K SSA, email

Front Office Staff

Office Staff: Left to right: Marla Raines, Laura Gerstenberger, Leighann Buford, Susan Rozelle, and Jacey Stafford

Left to Right: Marla Raines, Laura Gerstenberger, 
Leighann Buford, Susan Rozelle, and Jacey Stafford
Marla Raines, Secretary, email
Susan Rozelle, Bookkeeper, email
Leighann Buford, Clerk, email
Laura Gerstenberger, Clerk, email
David Griffee, School Nurse, email 

Café Staff

Cafe Staff Left to Right: Larrisa Sta Romano, Noville Edwards, Katie Bailey, Fitore Hajdini, Kay Linder, Mildred Abakah, and Brandy Forge

Left to Right: Larrisa Sta Romano, Noville Edwards, Katie Bailey, Fitore Hajdini, Kay Linder, Mildred Abakah, and Brandy Forge

Uzma Khokher - Manager, email
Mildred Abakah
Katie Bailey
Noville Edwards
Brandy Forge
Fitore Hajdini
Larrisa Sta Romano
Lunchroom Monitors 
Patricia Campbell
Stephanie Kenny

Custodial Staff

Custodians Left to Right: James Little, Nedra Walker, and Nathan Winters

Left to Right: James Little, Nedra Walker, and Nathan Winters

James Little- Head Custodian, email
Yolanda Hicks 
Nedra Walker


Picture: Kindergarten Front Row: Kathy Reyes, Kaila Apodaca, Kim Williams, Lauren VanSant, Rebecca Goodman, and Courtney Williams Back Row: Perla Avila Rojas, Kim Skradis, Katie Dunn, Lori Jiminez, and Barb Glaser

Front Row: Kathy Reyes, Kaila Apodaca, Kim Williams, Lauren VanSant, Rebecca Goodman, and Courtney Williams
Back Row: Perla Avila Rojas, Kim Skradis, Katie Dunn, Lori Jiminez, and Barb Glaser

Kaila Apodaca, email
Rebecca Goodman, email
Kathy Reyes, email 
Lauren VanSant, email
Courtney Williams, email
Kim Williams, email
Kindergarten Paraprofessionals
Perla Avila Rojas
Katie Dunn
Barb Glaser
Lori Jiminez
Kim Skradis

First Grade

First Grade Front Row: Emily Connaughton, Isabel Rivera, and Kristi Crimm Back Row: Jessie Scheiwe, Ashley Hyde, Kim Scott, and Kaley Lynn

Front Row: Emily Connaughton, Isabel Rivera, and Kristi Crimm
Back Row: Jessie Scheiwe, Ashley Hyde, Kim Scott, and Kaley Lynn
Emily Connaughton, email 
Kristi Crimm, email
Ashley Hyde, email
Kaley Lynn, email
Isabel Rivera, email 
Jessie Scheiwe, email 
Kim Scott, email

Second Grade

Second Grade Front Row: Kristi Kniola, Holly Smith, and Linda Campisi Back Row: Molly Foster, Kristin Garber, and Heather Henson

Front Row: Kristi Kniola, Holly Smith, and Linda Campisi
Back Row: Molly Foster, Kristin Garber, and Heather Henson

Linda Campisi, email 
Molly Foster, email
Mary Clauss, email
Kristin Garber, email
Heather Henson, email
Kristi Kniola, email

Third Grade

Third Grade Hailey Godfrey, Alexandra Burgos, Faithe Williams, Callie Cook, Michelle Vance, Mary Catherine Willis and Bonnie Pratcher

Left to Right: Hailey Godfrey, Alexandra Burgos, Faithe Williams, 
Callie Cook, Michelle Vance, Mary Catherine Willis and Bonnie Pratcher

Alexandra Burgos, email
Callie Cook, email
Hailey Godfrey, email
Bonnie Pratcher, email
Michelle Vance, email 
Faithe Williams, email
Mary Catherine Willis, email 

Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Front: Joseph Kirkland Back Row: Bonnie Fleming, Kelly Mefford, Shawna Plunkert, Chrissy Garrison, and Liz Cunningham

Front: Joseph Kirkland 
Back Row: Bonnie Fleming, Kelly Mefford, Shawna Plunkert, Chrissy Garrison, and Liz Cunningham

Liz Cunningham, email 
Bonnie Fleming, email 
Chrissy Garrison, email 
Joseph Kirkland, email
Kelly Mefford, email
Shawna Plunkert, email 

Fifth Grade

Fifth: Erica Pitts, Macey Lawrence (student teacher), Alia Gillie, Kim Kunst Todd Plunkert, Erica Harrell, and Maria Lippelt

Left to Right: Erica Pitts, Macey Lawrence, Alia Gillie, 
Kim Kunst, Todd Plunkert, Erica Harrell, and Maria Lippelt

Paige Bastuba, email 
Alia Gillie, email
Erica Harrell, email
Kim Kunst, email
Maria Lippelt, email
Erica Pitts, email
Todd Plunkert, email 
Macey Lawrence, Student Teacher

Instructional Support

Instructional Support Staff: Front Row: Elaine Cunningham, Bethany Snyder, Tara Jones Back Row: Kellee Strickland, Heather Henslee, Libby Mitchell, and Abbey Allee

Front Row: Elaine Cunningham, Bethany Snyder, Tara Jones
Back Row: Kellee Strickland, Heather Henslee, Libby Mitchell, and Abbey Allee

Abbey Allee, K-5 Support, email
Elaine Cunningham, ESOL, email
Heather Henslee, email 
Tara Jones, email 
Bethany Snyder, email 
Kellee Strickland, email

Counselors and School Social Worker

Picture of Counselors Front to Back: Mandy Ruddell, Kelly Owen, and Alicia Hayworth

Front to Back: Mandy Ruddell, Kelly Owen, and Alicia Hayworth

Alicia Hayworth, School Social Worker, email 
Kelly Owen, Counselor, email
Mandy Ruddell, Counselor, email


Target: Left to Right: Nicole Harrison, Rachel Dutton, and Drena Varghese

Left to Right: Nicole Harrison, Rachel Dutton, and Drena Varghese

Rachel Dutton, email
Nicole Harrison, email 
Drena Varghese, email 

Special Needs Pre-K

Picture of Special Needs P-K Left to Right: Ashley Banks, Tina Stewart, Morgan Giles, and Kiyoko Bartles

Left to Right: Ashley Banks, Tina Stewart, Morgan Giles, and Kiyoko Bartles

Ashley Banks, email
Morgan Giles, email
Special Needs Pre-K Paraprofessionals 
Kiyoko Bartels
Tina Stewart

Bridge Team

Picture of Bridge Team: Front Row: Ally Crisp, Michelle Bachman, Erin Wolf, Savannah Hurst Back Row: Ilie Strauts, Autumn Camp, and Mary Clauss

Front Row: Ally Crisp, Michelle Bachman, Erin Wolf, Savannah Hurst
Back Row: Ilie Strauts, Autumn Camp, and Mary Clauss
Autumn Camp, K-2, email
Ally Crisp, 3-5, email
Ilie Strauts, 3-5, email 
Bridge Paraprofessionals
Michelle Bachman
Savannah Hurst
Erin Wolf

Speech and Language Pathologists

Speech and Language Pathologists Laura Daniels and Tracy Ferguson

Left to Right: Laura Daniels and Tracy Ferguson

Laura Daniels, email
Tracy Ferguson, email 


Picture, Front Row: Nicole Norris, Kara Kalra, Amany Demian, and Claire Cyr Back Row: Nick Perkins, Leslie Maples, Craig Hurley, Kelly Mattingly, and Shirley Trammell

Front Row: Nicole Norris, Kara Kalra, Amany Demian, and Claire Cyr
Back Row: Nick Perkins, Leslie Maples, Craig Hurley, Kelly Mattingly, and Shirley Trammell

Claire Cyr, Art, email 
Craig Hurley, Music, email blog
Kara Kalra, Environmental Ed.,email
Leslie Maples, STEM, email
Kelly Mattingly, PE, email 
Shirley Trammell, Library Media Specialist, email 
Specialist Paraprofessionals
Amany Demian - Media
Nicole Norris
Nick Perkins - PE

Itinerant Personnel

Jennifer Coleman, SPED, email
Katherine Havard, Psychologist, email
Julie Merrill, OT, email
Jena Parish, Technology Training Integration Specialist, email
Sheryl Renken, Technology, email


Amber Young, Co-Director, email
Isabella Kelly, Co-Director, email
Macey Lawrence, Clerk, email