
Summer Reading Challenge 2023: June 1 - July 31

Picture with title: Summer Reading Challenge

We encourage students to keep reading all summer long! The Cobb County School District Library Media Education Department is partnering again with Cobb and Smyrna Public Libraries for our Summer Reading Challenge 2023. The student challenge is to read 20 minutes each day and at least 15 hours this summer. Students earn digital badges by logging reading minutes in Beanstack, our year-round reading engagement platform.

Reading throughout the summer for at least 20 minutes a day helps students maintain learning gains made in school and start the upcoming new school year off right. 

These resources can help:
Parent/Guardian Letter - Parent/Guardian Letter Spanish
CCSD Library Media Education: Visit www.cobbsummerreading.com for reading resources, ebooks, and links to learning resources. Cobb Summer Reading Resources: Beanstack to log minutes, Sora to read ebooks and e-audiobooks, and the Student Library Pass Program at the Cobb County Public Library