Payments to Garrison Mill

To pay by cash or check to Garrison Mill:
- The parent or the student may deposit payments in the special payment Black Boxes. The black boxes are located:
- In the main hallway next to the school store and
- Across from the cafeteria entrance
- All payments must be submitted in the preprinted white envelopes provided.
- It is important that you fill in the student's name, homeroom teacher's name, payment amount and reason for payment on the outside of the envelope.
- If you do not have a preprinted envelope, use a plain white envelope and write the student's name, homeroom teacher's name, payment amount and reason for payment on the outside of the envelope.
- Payments must be made for the exact amount. The school cannot provide change.
Please do not include money in the WHITE payment envelope for the following:
- ASP (After School Program) -- ASP payments are submitted separately using their own preprinted yellow envelopes. ASP envelopes should be dropped in the Black Box labeled ASP located next to the clinic.
- Lunchroom monies are paid separately to the cafeteria.
- PTA related monies are paid directly to the GMPTA and are deposited in the lobby PTA Box.
- Foundation related monies are paid directly to GMEF and are deposited in the lobby Foundation Box.
To pay by credit card to Garrison Mill:
- Register for a free MyPaymentsPlus (MPP) account @
- See attached for step by step instructions to create your free account
- Field trips, lost library books, and any other requests for funds can be paid by credit card through this website. You may also pay for school lunches as well at MPP.
Please reach out to with any questions.