
Student Laptop Program

Student Laptop Program

Student Laptop Program 

Cobb County School District Student Laptop Program FAQ

Cobb County School District is providing laptops for all Middle School and High School Students!  In order to receive one, the enrolling adult needs to log into ParentVue, select "Student Device Liability Agreement", and select "Opt-in" for each middle school or high school student you would like to receive a laptop. Ideally, the county would like all students to opt-in and receive a student computer.  Teachers and students will begin using laptops in class starting quarter 3!  

These laptops will be taken home and to school each day.  The Dell Latitude 3190 will allow teachers and students to focus on instructional standards while increasing levels of engagement for deeper learning.   The link below will provide more detailed information provided by the County.


Each student must be “opted in” to receive their laptop.  It is a simple process.

Enrolling adult log into PARENTVUE.

Click on the STUDENT DEVICE LIABILITY AGREEMENT to review the terms.

Click on OPT-IN.

It is the intent of this initiative to bring learning flexibility and options to any family who chooses to receive a device.

Should you have questions, concerns, or comments, please click the link below and we will get right back to you!
