


Our Cafeteria

Direct Phone Number: 770.916.7086


The cafeteria manager, staff, and central office staff are available to partner with you to help keep you child safe.  We all have the same goal to ensure the food served in the cafeteria is nutritious and safe for a  students.  If your child has a special food or nutritional needs, notify your local school nurse and review the JGC-8 form below and other documentation below.

Breakfast and Lunch Prices

Breakfast will be offered in the school cafeteria each morning between 7:20 - 7:50 AM.  Cost for breakfast:  $0.30 (Reduced price), &1.75 (Full price)

Lunch can be purchased during your child's lunch time.  Cost for lunch:  $0.40 (Reduced price), $3.25 (Full price)

Pizza Party/Celebration Snacks

We are excited to announce an opportunity to help celebrate your child's birthday and other occasions at school.  Simply, select a snack from the approved list.  These snacks adhere to the USDA Smart Snacks nutrition guidelines and are individually wrapped.  

Options May Include*

  • Pizza Parties
  • Fresh Baked Cookies
  • Rice Krispies Treats
  • Fresh Baked Brownies
  • Birthday Cake Ice Cream Cone
  • Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Cups
  • 8oz. Bottle Water
  • Switch Sparkling 100% Juice

Items will be distributed to the class during their lunch and your child will receive a certificate of recognition.  Please contact the café manager or see below for the celebrations form.

Food Modifications

For children who require changes to the basic meal (such as supplements or substitutions) or require modifications in texture (such as chopped, ground, or pureed foods), a licensed physician's written instructions indicating the appropriate changes is required.  Contact the café manager or see below for the the Special Dietary Modifications form.

Student Allergies

Information about our school menu products is available.  The allergen information provided is based on our current information from manufacturers and the USDA database.  Products served throughout the year may change based on the availability of commodity and purchased products.  Unforeseen circumstances may result in products becoming unavailable or requiring product substitution.  The allergen list is updated as new information becomes available.  Please be aware that the formulation of products by manufacturers may change any time and no notice is given to their customers.

Available forms:

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