
Sope Creek Frequently Asked Questions


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Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the information below for information specific to Sope Creek Elementary.

What are the school hours?

School Day: 7:50 AM – 2:10 PM

Arrival: The building opens for students at 7:15AM. At that time, students may enter the building and go to their homeroom class. No student may be dropped off prior to 7:15AM.  Students must be in their classrooms, ready to learn when the bell rings at 7:50.

Early Release:  Dismissal is at 12:10 PM

How do I access Parentvue?

Your username and password are the same as what you used to register your child online.

How do I access Office 365 and CTLS?

You need your student’s email address and password.  To find that, login to Parentvue and click on the office 365 consent located on the left side.  Once you click on that, a link should appear in the middle of the page that says, “office 365 consent.”  Open that and you will see your child’s email near the top of the page and the password is their birthday.  (two digits for the month and day and four digits for the year)

What is the time for school to dismiss, and how does it work? 

Dismissal begins at 2:05PM. It is critical that your child’s teacher knows how your child is going home each day. 

Car riders: Cars will enter and wait in a double line through the parking lot.  Once cars get to the crosswalk, they will merge into a single file line in front of the school, along the right side of the curb. All cars in line for pick up after school must have a carpool number displayed. The enrolling adult may get a carpool number during Meet and Greet or by visiting the front office.  Anyone without a carpool number must park in the parking lot and bring identification to the front office to get their child. Staff members will be outside to help students get into vehicles safely. 

Bus riders: Bus riders are dismissed to the bus lanes by grade levels. A staff member walks students to the bus port. Second load bus students are dismissed to a central location and go to the bus when it arrives.  Please download and sign up for the "Here Comes the Bus”app to track the location of the bus in real time.

ASP: After school, students are dismissed to a designated check in location where attendance is taken.   Enrolling adults may register using the Eleyo app. 

Walkers: Students who walk home are dismissed once all buses have cleared the bus lanes.  Please let your child’s teacher know if your child is a front or back door walker. 

Can I walk my child into their classroom?   

In order to increase student independence and building safety, parents will not be allowed to walk students to class.  We will operate “all hands-on deck” with our staff for the first few weeks of school to help our students find their way.  For morning carpool, we do not allow any parents to park the car and walk students up to the building- please remain in your car and go through the carpool lane- a staff member will assist your child with exiting the car. 

What happens if my child is tardy? 

If you bring your child to school after 7:50 AM, you will be required to park and walk your child to the door so that you can sign your child in and give your child a green tardy slip.   Students must be in their classrooms at 7:50 when the bell rings.   Any student entering the building when the bell rings is considered tardy.  Please make every effort to have your child at school on time whenever to ensure a successful start to their school day. If a habit of tardiness develops, school personnel will work with parents to help plan for solutions to change the habit.

What if my child is absent?   

When a child returns to school after an absence (s), he needs to provide a note to the teacher that is signed by the parent/guardian and indicates the absence date(s) and reason for the absence. If you e-mail the excuse to your child’s teacher, please copy our Attendance Clerk.  You may also reply to the messages  you receive from CTLS.  All absence notes must be sent to school within 3 days of student’s return to school. Per Georgia State Law, excused absences are those for personal illness, serious illness/death in the family, and special recognized religious holidays of the student’s faith. If a student will be out for an extended period, please notify the attendance clerk & teacher.

What if I need to pick up my child from school early?  

A student must attend at least 1/2 of the school day to be counted present.  

A student must be present 7:50 AM - 11:05 AM or 11:05 AM - 2:10 PM to be counted present for that day. A student shall be dismissed before the school day officially ends only when a parent or person designated by the enrolling adult comes to the office and signs the student out.  Please come to the front door to pick up your child with a valid photo ID.  Please send a note to the teacher stating when you will be picking up, as it is helpful for the teacher to know when a student will be leaving early. All checkouts MUST be done by 1:45 PM to avoid disrupting the school’s dismissal procedures.  If a parent arrives at the school after 1:45, the student will not be released. 

What is ASP?  ASP is the After School Program. 

Sope Creek offers an after-school care program (ASP) for its students from dismissal to 6:00 PM on days school is in session. Students may attend every day or stay on an as-needed basis if they are registered for the program.    Registration for the program is available in Parentvue and must be completed by the enrolling adult.  Cost of the program is $10 per day. There is an annual registration fee of $20. A snack, art activity, playtime, games, homework, and enrichment activities are part of the program. Students signed up for ASP must go directly from the classroom.   We encourage every family to register for ASP.  You never know if an emergency may arise and you need your child to stay in ASP.   We ask that you always communicate in writing to your child’s teacher that your child is staying in ASP, in addition to marking it in the Eleyo app.  This is a way to ensure children dismiss safely each day.

What if I need to change the way my child is to come home from school? 

For the safety of ALL our students, the only transportation change that can be accepted by phone is to send a child to ASP because it is a secure checkout.  Parents are required to send in a note to their child’s teacher if their dismissal changes.  Only notes from parents are accepted.  We DO NOT accept faxes, e-mails, texts, or word of mouth as transportation changes. ALL changes must be made through the front office, please do not contact the teacher during the day.  All transportation changes must be done by 1:30 PM.  

Sope Creek students are only allowed to ride home on the bus they are assigned.   They cannot ride home on a different bus with friends.  To check bus routes, go to: www.cobbk12.org.

Can I volunteer or visit my child’s classroom during the school day?

Volunteers that support instruction will be pre-arranged through the classroom teacher, PTA, and/or Sope Creek Foundation.  In order to establish routines and procedures at the beginning of the year, classroom volunteers will be limited. If you wish to learn more about volunteer opportunities, please join our PTA and explore volunteer options. 

How will I know if school is closed due to weather conditions?  

When the Cobb County School System is going to close due to inclement weather, the decision is usually made and given to the radio and television stations by 6 AM and posted to https://www.cobbk12.org/ If a decision to close is made during the working hours of the school day, the statement will be given to the media. We will then follow parents’ written information (Inclement Weather Information on the Critical Information Form completed by parent) and our local school plans for early dismissals (we cannot accept transportation changes in the event of early closures due to weather conditions). Each parent cannot be called, so please discuss with your child what should happen if school is closed during the day. Also, we ask that you take a picture of what you put on this form.   During times when schools are dismissing for inclement weather it is extremely busy in the office.  When parents call to ask what they put on the form, it delays dismissal.  There is NO ASP in the event of early emergency closures.

What does my child need to know about behavior on the bus?  

Behavior on the school bus is considered an extension of classroom behavior. Students shall observe the code of conduct listed in detail in the full handbook, accessible through the school website. Parents and guardians are responsible for establishing the behavior they expect of their children, including at the bus stop. School bus transportation is a privilege that may be withdrawn for inappropriate behavior. 

What if my child becomes sick or injured at school? 

Our clinic is staffed by a RN/LPN from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM daily.  Children who become ill or injured at school are given health care in the clinic. Minor injuries are treated. Parents are contacted when the injury or illness is of a more serious nature so that they may pick up their child.

What if my child needs to take medicine while at school?  

Many of our students require medicine from time to time.  Parents are required to bring the medication to school and complete an “Authorization to Give Medication” form.  Students are not allowed to transport medication.  It is the parent’s responsibility to keep the clinic staff updated as to any changes in medication dosage, etc.

What if my child forgets something needed for school that day? 

The only items that are accepted after the bell rings at 7:50 are eyeglasses, lunches, and medication. We will not be able to accept forgotten homework, projects, water bottles, etc.  

What if my child forgets something at school? 

Our goal is to encourage students to be self-sufficient and responsible for their materials and belongings. Students and/or parents are not allowed to re-enter the building after dismissal to retrieve a forgotten item. The item may be retrieved the following school day during school hours.

Do I need to label my child’s things with his or her name?

Please label ALL outerwear clothing, such as jackets, sweaters, gloves, etc.  with your child’s first & last name. Any lost items will be taken to the Lost & Found which is located under the breezeway by the bus lanes.  All unclaimed items in the lost and found will be donated before the Winter Break and again at the end of the school year.

Is there a dress code at Sope Creek Elementary?

All students of the Cobb County School District shall be required to maintain the level of personal hygiene necessary to ensure a healthful school environment and to refrain from any mode of dress that contributes to a disruption of school functions. Students are encouraged to observe a standard of grooming and dress consistent with the level of formality of the school situation. Administrators and teachers shall enforce the dress code policy, and the principal or her designee shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness, neatness and cleanliness of the apparel, or whether or not apparel is disruptive, distractive or in violation of the dress code. The minimum standard of dress for students shall be as follows: 

• Shoes shall be worn.

• No spaghetti straps on shirt. No bare midriffs.

• Caps or hats are not to be worn in the school buildings during the school day unless there is a special activity during which they are deemed appropriate by the administration.

• Clothing or ornamentation displaying or advertising substances illegal for minors is prohibited. Clothing or ornamentation advocating, promoting, or suggesting illegal activity is also prohibited.

• Suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities are also prohibited.

• Elementary students may wear appropriate shorts. Minimum length is fingertip length when arms are positioned straight against legs.

• All students shall maintain an acceptable standard of dress. 

How do I pay for my child’s lunch? 

You can send in cash or check for lunches or pay online at:  https://www.mypaymentsplus.com/welcome. Lunch menus are found here: http://info.cobbk12.org/centraloffice/foodservices/indexMenus.aspx    

May I join my child for lunch?

Due to space limitations and the need to work through adjusting school schedules, we cannot accommodate lunch visitors at this time. 

May I send gifts to my child? 

Students are not permitted to receive deliveries (flowers, balloons, candy, etc.) while at school.

May I bring a birthday treat for my child and the class?  

Birthday treats may be provided, and you are encouraged to pre-order treats through the cafeteria.  The cafeteria is able to identify which students have food allergies and can safely accommodate dietary needs.  These treats will be delivered to the class.    Please reference our cafeteria’s website for ordering information.  Your child’s teacher has a copy of the order form for class treats; the cafeteria requests that orders are placed three weeks in advance.  You may also choose to send individually wrapped and portioned, store-bought treats that clearly list ingredients on the wrapper.