
STEM Academy Wins NASA'S Planet Mars Challenge...AGAIN!

Nasa Planet Mars Challenge Winners | Sprayberry High School

The Sprayberry STEM Academy are WINNERS again in the Planet Mars Challenge sponsored by NASA!  The team of 10 students lead by Assistant STEM Academy Coordinator Mr. Todd Hefflinger took first place in Experimental Design outlined in their Final Report "Utilization of 3D-printed nutrient matrices to supplement plant growth in nutrient-devoid Martian regolith."  You can read the final report which is linked below in the Useful Links section. 

The team is now gearing up for the Spring Challenge and looking forward to next steps in the Planet Mars Challenge! 

The Planet Mars Challenge team is:
Dylan Pojol
MyHan Phan
Jordan Tolliver
Rowan Beasley
Edward Echeverria
Ivy Chanin
Daniel Alford
Briana Walton
Haleigh Mayes
Jack Akin

See the moment when the team learned they were Experimental Design winners!