Spring 2025 Student Parking Permits

Due to on-going construction, on campus parking will be limited. All policies and procedures will be identical to those that were implemented last year. We were able to open 30 additional student parking spots bringing the total to 115 for the Spring 2025 semester.
Only FULLY completed packets will be accepted. Submission of a parking application DOES NOT guarantee a space. Priority will be given to Work-Based Learning and Dual Enrollment students, followed by Seniors, and then Juniors.
Print and complete the application linked below in the RESOURCES section below. Ensure that student and parent signatures have been provided on ALL pages that require signatures. Please do not forget the truancy page.
- Students should submit a copy of their Drivers License. We will NOT make a copy.
- Students should submit a copy of their Insurance Card. We will NOT make a copy! **If the student's name is NOT on the insurance card, please provide documentation from the insurance company that the student is insured on the car they will drive to school.**
- Please review the Parking Information 2024-2025 document in the RESOURCES section below for parking permit costs. Payments can be made in the form of EXACT cash or check.
- If a student plans to drive an additional car throughout the semester, a separate application and all supporting documents must be submitted. Students should see Mrs. Zellner in the Front Office for assistance or questions.
- When the application is completed and supporting documents are in hand, please submit to Mrs. Zellner in the Front Office.
- Wait 24-48 hours and see Mrs. Zellner in the Front Office for updates and/or to pick up the parking permit and space number.
Application Submission Window
December 12 - Dual Enrollment & Work Based Learning students can submit applications.
December 13 - Dual Enrollment & Work Based Learning students can submit applications
December 16 - Seniors can submit applications
Student Behavior, Disclipline, and Parking
Students who engage in behaviors that result in three (3) or more cumulative days of out of school suspension (OSS) OR those who receive 9 unexcused tardies in a semester will lose the privilege of parking on campus for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.
Please take a moment to read the letter from Dr. Fetterman that was sent via CTLS on July 26, 2024 outlining parking information for the Fall 2024 semester which is available in the RESOURCES section below.