
Audio/Video Technology


The Walton Broadcasting Pathway is designed to facilitate student-led projects under the guidance of the instructor, as well as provide opportunities for students to master skills necessary to gain entry level employment or to pursue a post-secondary degree or certificate. The instructor utilizes 30 plus years of broadcasting experience to style a curriculum that reflects the standards of a constantly changing industry.  The classes begin with Intro to Broadcasting, with each successive level delving deeper into the skill sets necessary for TV, Media and Film production.  Students work cooperatively and independently in all phases of production. Topics include advanced camera techniques, audio production, scriptwriting, producing, directing, editing, employability skills, and development of a digital portfolio to include resume’, references, and production samples.  There is also the potential for industry certifications that can really enhance a resume.  There are two End of Pathway Exams and students can elect to take them and will be recognized with a seal on their diploma acknowledging completion of the pathway. 

AVT Pathway

Audio/Video Technology Teacher

Mr. Al Basulto

  • Email: Alberto.Basulto@cobbk12.org
  • Title: Teacher
  • Subject(s): Audio, Video, Film & Technology; Work-Based Learning
  • Teaching since: February 2015
  • Teaching at Walton since: Fall 2022
  • Degree(s): Bachelors Degree from the University of Florida
  • Extracurricular: Walton Sports Media Sponsor, Raidervision Sponsor, fantastic dancer